Chapter 38--Reunited

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"Did they torture you?" Addy asks from her spot beside Tygren who is blushing beyond recognition.

"A bit but the new healer got me all fixed up, they're still working on your mother though. Her legs were cut recently, and she passed out cold once Master Ingressus took her back here." I say then decide to embarrass Tygren. "How are you hot in this weather?" I ask him sneakily and he looks towards me.

"I'm not...." He says slowly.

"Oh, please your entire face is red." I say and he blushes even more as Addy looks at him.

"Elaina!" He accuses and Addy giggles lightly. We hear footsteps and Addy and Tygren look behind them as Ingressus walks in.

"Oh hello." He says sneakily.

"Um, hi?" Addy says seeming confused then Ingressus grabs her under the armpits and lifts her up.

"Oh crap." She says as he carries her away.

"What's he doing?" Tygren wonders his face still red. He looks over at me and blushes more then I realize he doesn't like Addy it's me he likes, and Addy knows it. She's known it for a while now and now I feel bad.

Addy p.o.v.

I struggle as father carries me away. Elaina looks at me with a sad face and I know that she knows that Tygren likes her. I'm fine with it though I know he liked me for a time but now he's moved on. I think he thinks that my father will not approve of our relationship. 

"Father where are we going?" I ask and he chuckles. 

"I can't tell you--" He starts.

"Please?!" I cry and hug his neck tighter looking at Voltar and tugging on it's handle.

"Woah, what are you trying to do?" He asks.

"I'm. umph. Trying to get you to. Umph. tell me where we're going." I say and lift it off of his back slightly. 

"We're going to go see your mother, she should be awake now so we can go bother her!" He says cheerfully and I look at him.

"I don't know if that's a good thing." I say.

"It might not be for now but I think she will love this visit from us, from her daughter." He says and jumps over a small snow pile.

"And her mate." I remind him and he chuckles then sets me down.

"I have to check with the medic to "make sure that we can go in"." He says sarcastically then walks inside I know that it was sarcastic as he could just walk in and if the medic said anything he could hurt him. And I know now that the new medic is a male name Verix. 

"Ky' Ingressus." I hear a male voice adresses then I hear my father.

"Verix." Ingressus acknowledges. "How are her legs?"

"They were cut pretty badly." I hear Verix say.

"I'm right here." I hear my mother's voice say.

"Will she be able to walk?" Ingressus asks.

"I'm still here." Mother sighs but they continue to ignore her.

"I want to take her somewhere." Father says.

"Shouldn't you be asking me these questions instead of Verix?" Mother asks but they keep talking.

"Her cuts were deep, and I don't know if she can walk yet." Verix says.

"I can't." Mother's voice injects but I know that she's just trying to get her mate to acknowledge her.

"Wait, what?" father asks and I giggle lightly, it's funny to hear them say these things, father is more playful now like he sometimes is with me.

"Oh, so NOW you notice I'm here." I hear her say.

"You want to be acknowledged?" Father asks then I hear an 'umph' from mother.

"Woah you put on some-umph-weight." Mother pants.

"It's muscles Sanari." Father says then lets out a comforted 'mmmm' 

"Alright get off now." Mother says and I hear her grunt as she tries to push him off. 

"She's coming with us now." Ingressus says and I hear a yelp then the sound of feet hitting wood then my mother and father walk out with father playfully swinging mother's hand back and forth. I try to dart away but feel and gentle hand pull me back and in a moment I'm between both of my parents. Father messes up my hair and mother rubs my shoulders.

"You think that you can get away from us?" father asks playfully.

"No!" I object but he grabs me and spins me around making me feel dizzy before he sets me back down and grabs my hand while mother grabs me other hand.

"Where would you go?" She asks and father smiles. I smile as well, lightly but he notices and traces around my horns with his fingers. Mother smiles as well then before I know it I am being lead by my parents down the hill and to an empty spot with just snow. I am thrown in and yelp at the cold. 

"See fun." Mother says and I grab her legs and pull her down after me but she grabs father's hand and pulls him down with us.

"Fun." I say once they land with a smirk. Mother grabs snow and rubs it on my legs. I jump up and run over to the hill then roll down. my parents run down after me and slide down. I climb back up then lay on my stomach and slide down like a penguin crashing into a snowbank and peeking my head out lightly while watching my confused parents.

"Where did she go?" Mother wonders then father looks towards me and points. I dive down as they run up after me and start digging a tunnel under the deep snow until I reach some grass underneath and dig out a little cave then sit in the middle.

"What the heck?" I hear father's voice call down the tunnel.

"Gress... how are we supposed to get down there?" I hear mother ask.

"WE just find the place that she is and stomp until she comes out like when we'd try to scare the minks out of their holes--" I don't hear the rest of his sentence as he gets up and they walk down the hill. I wait and wait some more then wait more. I climb out of the hole and father tackles me. Mother laughs and I shriek.

"Hey not fair!" I yell.

"Yes it is." He says and mother runs down beside us.

"See, now we're reunited." She says and we both smile.

Addy The Deathsinger's Daughter(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now