Chapter 13

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Friday - ultrasound appointment & Studio Session

Toni POV-  well, it's 10:30am and I have a studio session before my appointment with my doctor to see the baby. I'm suppose to meet Ken at the studio and we ride to my appointment together but i don't know how much work he has today. I guess we'll see once I get to the studio.

Toni's Room-

Toni- Hey diezel? *yells*

Diezel- *walks in her room* yes ma'am

Toni- hey I'm getting ready to leave and go to the studio. Did you still want to go to the doctors appointment with me?

Diezel- yea, could I just meet you there? I was getting ready to leave and go to Master P house and visit Mercy.

Toni- okay, appointment is at 2:30

Diezel nods his head while leaving Toni's room and going back to his room. Toni finish getting dressed and grabs the rest of her things. She goes downstairs to the garage and get in her Maybach, she turns the ignition on while letting her the garage up. She then puts the car in reverse as she began backing out of the driveway as starts driving to the studio.

Arista Records

Kenny's POV - so I've been waiting on Toni for almost two hours she was supposed to be here at 9:30. Am I surprised she's running late? No, but I do have another artist to work with today.

Toni walks in and the receptionist walks her to the recording room that Kenny is waiting on her in.

Receptionist- *opens door* hey Kenny, Toni is here.

Kenny turn around as he thanks the receptionist and looks at Toni shaking his head.

Toni- *walks in and looks at ken* hey why you shaking your head?

Kenny- because you were supposed to be here at 9:30 Tone, it's almost 11:30 two hours later.

Toni- *sits next to Kenny* I'm so sorry I really thought I was supposed to be here at 11:30 but I'm here now, can we start?

Kenny- yea, so since we started talking about LMD part two what do you want the concept of the album to be this time? I was thinking maybe we could focus more on love than divorce.

Toni- Well, with love comes marriage and sometimes comes with divorce. So Kenny we have to always focus on all three. We could finish our song we made up "Can't get over you" , the fans love that song. We start there and see what happens.

Kenny gets up from the chair and walks into the booth as he proceeds to sit down at the piano, he signals Toni to press record while he plays. Toni looks at him while he play in awe. Once he finishes Toni press stop and he comes out of the booth.

Toni- sometimes you still amaze me at how amazing you are when it comes to music.

Kenny- *smiles* thank you. You ready to record? If so, I'll call Daryl in.

Toni- yea, I'm ready.

While Toni walks in the booth and put her headphones on, Kenny calls Daryl in the room. Once Daryl arrived to the studio room, they signaled Toni to start.

Toni- *singing* I got one last thing to do, I gotta get over you.
Now I'm empty and I'm blue, I gotta get over youuu
Love of my life is gone, I did so many things wrong
I've got last thing to do, I gotta get over youuuu

Daryl stopped the music and told Toni she could come out. Once she came out Kenny went in the booth to record his part. After, recording his part he sat the sound board with Daryl and Toni to finish writing the chorus of the song. Once they finished Toni and Kenny grabbed their belongings and left to go to their first ultrasound appointment.


Kenny checks Toni in as they wait in a private room for Dr. Jackie. Kenny looks over at Toni as she sits on the examination table nervous.

Kenny- nervous?

Toni- *nervously smile at him* no, not all

Kenny- T, you're fidgeting with your hands and you haven't stopped rubbing them together. Why are you nervous?

Toni- Just thought Diezel would...

Before Toni could finish answering it was a slight knock on the door, they both put their attention towards the door as Dr. Jackie walked in the room.

Dr.Jackie- well hello my favorite patient. How are you?

Toni- I'm doing good how are you?

Dr. Jackie- I'm doing well,  Mr. Edmonds it's nice to meet you. Toni told me you guys were finally having a baby I was so excited.

Kenny- nice to meet you as well and yea,  I'm pretty excited about the baby.

Dr. Jackie- so Toni, as you know with your age comes a lot of risk.. of course high risk and miscarriages and with your health issues it could cause a lot of issues as well but we are going to do everything we can to help you have a smooth pregnancy and keep you healthy as well. Okay?

Toni- okay, thank you for flying to LA for my first appointment we do plan to live in Atlanta for the pregnancy and birth.

Dr. Jackie- no problem the ob here is great as well good friend of mine. Let's check this baby out shall we?

Toni laid back on the examination table as Jackie placed the Aloe Vera gel on her stomach and placed the probe on her stomach.

Dr. Jackie- so, as far as I can see you guys the baby is doing well. Heart beat sounds good, the brain is looking good as well. Have all of its limbs; two legs and two arms.  The baby measurements looks good as well. *removes the probe and wipes Toni's stomach off with a Kleenex tissue*

Kenny- how many weeks is she?

Toni and Kenny looks at Dr. Jackie as she responds

Dr. Jackie- you are a month and 11 days as of today and your estimated due date is January 10th. So, Kenny make sure less work, healthy eating. Her entire pregnancy will be risk for miscarriage. *looks at toni* so pretty much resting Toni.

Dr.jackie finished telling them about the risk and was asking about her medication she's already taking. once they were finished Dr. Jackie left out the room so Toni could fix her clothes, then Kenny and Toni left and went back to the studio.

I will be doing another chapter or two next week but this is for @Tonibraxton21

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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