Chapter 3

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Next morning

Toni's POV- I woke up early because I had to make sure that Peyton was up so that Ken could come and get her. It was 6:30 already and the day couldn't get any better, I was having a lupus flare. So I had to pull through just to make sure I had Peyton dressed and ready for when Ken got here.

Guest Bedroom

Toni- * taps and shakes Peyton softly* Peyton, baby, wake up. Your dad will be here in a few to take you to school.

Peyton- *whines* auntie Toni don't make me go please. I want to stay here with you.

Toni- you have to go to school stink, I'll come get you after school if your dad let's me.

Peyton- the kids make fun of me, please I don't want to go.

Toni- *sighs* okay, lay back down.

Peyton lays back down and goes to sleep. Toni goes downstairs to the kitchen and makes her some coffee, when the doorbell rung she walked to the front door to open it.

Toni- hey

Kenny- Peyton ready?

Toni- Ken she's been getting bullied at school and she didn't want to go so she's upstairs sleep. So I wanted to see if she could just stay here with me and the boys for the day.

Ken- yeah, um I'll just bring some clothes back over.

Toni- you um wanna come in?

Ken- I have to get to the studio so I'll see you later.

Toni- Ken, wait.

Ken- what you want Toni?

Toni- I'm sorry about last night. I didn't know that it would end up like this.

Ken- Toni, I love you with everything that I have in me and yes I'm married but my heart is with you. Nicole is barely around so I try and spend time with you because I want you around me every second of the day. I want you to fall asleep next to me, I want you to just be around me because you truly make my day better. I'm tired of just having this brother or sister relationship. I want you to be my woman but you can't see that because this "home wrecker" stuff is getting in the way of us. I knew you been wanting me but ever since we started working on love marriage and divorce my love for you became deeper than that sister brother shit. But again you can't see that.

Toni- Ken, I-

Ken- yea, I gotta go Tone. I'll pick Peyton up later.

Kenny gets in his car and drives to the record company. Once he gets there he went into his office, La Reid came into his office.

La- *knocks*

Kenny- come in

La- *walks in* what's up Face?

Ken- nothing much, just getting ready for all these sessions today. By the way I'm gonna have to reschedule with Toni today. I'll be in the studio with Megan because I have to finish with her album.

La- I'm not your assistant man. But, I'll let her know. Also you okay? You look a little down.

Ken- yeah I'm all good, just a few things going on with Peyton but that's it.

La- besides Peyton anything else man? Because yesterday meeting you was in your own world and today you working with people and on top of that you NEVER reschedule with Toni, so what's going on?

Ken- *looks at La* man I'm in love..

La- duh! My boy you're married

Ken- with Toni


Ken- she doesn't even want me now that I've confessed my love for her. I'm tired of this brother sister relationship.

La- what about Nicole?

Ken- been gave her the separation papers and she won't even sign the papers. She doesn't spend time with Peyton, Toni does more for Peyton than Nicole. Like today is the first time I've heard that my baby is getting bullied at school that's because Toni told me. I haven't had sex in over six months and I'm in need of it. Been taking cold showers for six months.

La- damn face.

Hours go by and it's noon, Ken is still at the studio with Megan and Toni and Peyton decides to pay Ken a visit. Toni knocks on the studio door as Peyton walks into his office

Toni- *opens the door* hey you.

Ken- *looks up at Toni* hey.

Toni- I figured you were hungry so I decided to bring you something to eat, since you canceled studio time with me. I fixed you some fried chicken, greens, cornbread with Mac and cheese. Oh, and you have some sweet tea in there also. I put a bottle of water just in case up didn't want to drink the tea.

Ken- thank you, I am kinda hungry. But, you didn't have to do this. Also, I just wanna say I'm sorry about this morning.

Toni- it's okay, but did you really mean what you said this morning?

Ken- every bit of it.

Toni- what are you going to do about Nicole?

Ken- I've given her the separation papers but she won't sign them.

Toni- work things out with her, it would make me happier knowing that Peyton has both her parents married and together.

Ken- yeah I guess.

Toni-well um I just wanted to bring that to you and Pey Pey is in your office.

Ken- why won't you just let me love you Toni?

Toni looks at him and then kisses his cheek and leave the room. She goes in Kenny's office to let Peyton know that she's leaving. After that she leaves the building.

Ken- damnit

Toni's POV- Ken is an amazing guy but I'm afraid if we get together and something happens our bond will be gone. When we went on tour, we both confessed our love to each other and it led to us having sex, but what about Peyton feelings? Maybe I should talk to his mom about this or La.

Kenny's POV- I just feel like I lost something that meant more to me than anything and there's no way to get it back anymore. Toni knows she's who I want. Nicole means nothing to me anymore, my love for her has ran out. I might have to call one of Toni's sisters to get her to talk to me. Yes, that's what I'm gonna do.

Phone call
*phone rings*

??- hello
Kenny- hey, Towanda
Towanda- hey, Kenny. What do I owe for this call?
Kenny-nothing, nothing. I called concerning Toni
Towanda- yeah.
Kenny- I'm in love with her and she's been somewhat avoiding the fact that I want her. She keeps walking out so we never finish talking about it. So could you maybe talk to her for me?
Towanda- of course, I'll let you know something soon.
Kenny- thanks Wanda.
Towanda- no problem.
Phone call ends

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