🍂 when your insecure (All!)

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Tw! This chapter is about body insecurities! Please skip this chapter if you're uncomfortable!, Thanks!


Leo 💙

You were looking at yourself in the mirror and getting ready for you and Leo's date tonight, You stared at yourself and sighed "I wish I could look good in this.. I tried everything good I had but I just don't seem to like any of them.."

Leo knocked on your door, you panicked and started tearing up because you felt like he wouldn't like what you were wearing or how you looked, "he can't see me like this.." you said. You went downstairs and opened the door.

"Hey Hon- whats wrong y/n?" You tried to hide your tears "H-huh, nothing! Everything fine.." you said as your voice started to break down and shake. Leo noticed it, The tears in the edge of your eyes.

"Babe, Come sit down, And tell me what's wrong, Its okay if you don't want t-" he was cut off with your sobbing. He picked you up and sat you on the couch. He signed he was worried for you.

"I-Im sorry Leo, You're having to put up with me." You couldn't speak correctly since you were crying. "The reason wh-why I was crying is because I don't like how I look I feel insecure about my body and how I look, I don't like anything about myself, I'm sorry.." you said "Baby, why are you apologizing, You're perfect to me, I love you so much and I hope you understand, I don't care about how you look, how you sound, how you dress, You're perfect to me. And if anyone says anything negative about how you look I'll beat them up!" Leo said.

"Thanks Leo.." You sighed as you calmed down. "Are you ready for our date sweetheart?" "Yeah I am." He then kissed you on the cheek and headed outside and you followed him.

Donnie 💜

You were on Donnie's bed while you waited for him to come back from a mission, you scrolled through Instagram and you came across your ex friend that you recently lost due to an argument, she posted on how you were ugly and didn't deserve anything. You immediately broke down, you opened your camera and said "no, no.. I'm not pretty enough, she was right, she was right.. I need to be perfect, how does Donnie even love a burden like me.." you were overthinking. It was happening again, your insecurities were coming back.

You then heard Leo, Mikey, Raph, And Donnie, they were back, you panicked and said "no, no! Donnie can't see me like this.." You tried wiping your face with your sleeve and tried to act as normal as possible.

"Hey love! I'm back!" You saw Donnie coming into his lab/room. "Oh, hey Donnie" your voice was all shaky. You then sat down and sighed. "Wanna test a new piece of technology I ma-" he was cut off "Uh! Yeah! Sure mhm!" You said as you panicked and spoke faster. "Ohhkay.." he said. He then handed you lab glasses, "Darling is everything alright?" He asked you.

"Y-yeah, I'm perfectly fine.." you said and mumbled half of the other words. "Y/N, clearly something wrong, do you need to talk?, I'm not gonna force you too." You sighed and said "Alright.." he then sat you down in a chair.

"I haven't been feeling the most positive of my body, In this case I'll say I'm feeling really insecure, My ex friend posted on her Instagram on how I'm ugly and stuff, That makes me feel bad about myself " you said as you cried in the middle of your sentence. "Darling, listen to me, That bitch it's wrong, you're perfect, and beautiful, I love every inch of your body, I love your personality and everything. She's very wrong and is really fucking stupid. I'll be here for you incase anything happens, if she says anything like that ever again I'll have a "nice" talk with her. I love you y/n." He then stood up and hugged you

"I love you too Donnie, thank you for listening to me." You sighed. "No problem, love."

Raph ❤️

You were looking down at yourself, you were doing negative talk about your body, "I hate my body, I hate it. Why can't I be perfect?" You sobbed and fell to the floor.

"Hey! Y/N..? Oh my gosh, are you okay, i-, why are you crying?" Raph asked and held your hand. "I'm not fine, I'm having the worst thoughts and body images. I don't wanna look like this, how do you love me? I'm not perfect."

"Are you feeling insecure?" Raph asked. "Yeah.. I don't understand how you like me, I don't find myself pretty, I'm not good enough for you. " "Y/N, yes you are, you're amazing, I love your body, I love everything about you, I don't care on how you look, you're perfect, I'm sorry that you're feeling this way. I want you to know that you're perfect In my eyes."

"Raph I'm sorry, I'm sorry you had to walk into my crying on the floor." You sighed. "It's okay love, I just wanted you too know that."

He then hugged you and kept on complementing you for you to feel better.

Mikey 🧡

You and Mikey were drawing each other you say next to him while you were drawing, "yyyy/nnnnn~, you better hurry times almost overrr!" He said, "okay, okay Mikey, give me 2 more minutes I'm almost doneee.", After a minute or so you were done drawing Mikey you both flipped your papers and showed each other your drawings.

"Woah y/n that's amazing!" He complimented you, "Thanks Mikey, I love how you drew me, it makes me look pretty I wish I looked like that.." you sighed.

"Y/N, But you are perfect!" "It's just I don't think I am, I don't like how I look, I wish I was pret-" "y/n you are pretty, you're perfect! You're the prettiest person I ever saw. I want you to know I love you and I hope you love yourself too!" Mikey said.

"Awh, Mikey, you're so sweet, I love you." You leaned in to hug him "I love you too honey!"

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