Hungry Like The Wolf

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A few days passed since my transition, and after getting used to eating whatever plants were safe to consume in the forest, I was starting to get very hungry. Wondering what I could find in the forest as a heartier meal than berries, I got on my hind legs and decided to stroll around the area, and I was surprised to hear someone else on the nearest path. After hiding behind a tree and peeking at the visitor, I was surprised to see a little girl skipping through the glen, wearing a gingham dress with puffy sleeves under a crimson-red hooded cape. With a basket on her arm and her hair bouncing from under her cloak, she looked so playful and carefree that she reminded me of my younger self, and I was tempted to frolic behind her before remembering that I was still getting used to being on my hind legs.

It was at that moment that the girl sensed there was something strange going on, causing her to stop and turn around before I could even hide behind the tree, with both my face and tail sticking out. From the way she trembled at the sight of a giant wolf like me, I could tell that the girl was more than a little frightened, so I slowly stepped out from behind the tree and cleared my throat.

"Good day, young lady." I greeted her in my most polite tone, hoping that this would be a better interaction than my meeting with the old woman. The little girl smiled kindly at me before greeting me in return, and as much as I felt a little warmth in my chest as she called me "Mister Wolf," I tried not to show it as I asked where she was going in the middle of the day. After learning that she was taking a basket of cupcakes and juice to her sick grandmother, who lived quite a distance away from where we were standing, I asked the little girl if she would like to pick some flowers as a gift for her grandma. I could tell that the girl was hesitant about following a stranger's suggestion, but when I told her there was a wildflower patch further down the path, she nodded and followed me before I showed her that I was true to my word.

After making sure the girl was safe on her own in the flower patch, I said goodbye to her before taking a shortcut through the woods to the cottage where her grandmother lived. As hungry as I was before meeting the kind child, I didn't want to eat her or her grandmother, but my stomach growled at the thought of the cupcakes and juice she was planning to share with her grandmother. The moment I found a lovely cottage surrounded by three oak trees, I knew that I had found the right place, so I approached the door and lightly knocked on it before waiting for a response.

"Who is it?" A frail voice called from inside, and I cleared my throat before internally panicking: I didn't want to claim that I was someone other than myself, but I didn't know how else to let myself into the house, so I guess one lie wouldn't hurt. 

"It's your granddaughter, grandma! The one with the red hooded cape!" I fibbed in my most feminine voice, which really hurt my throat. I was rubbing my throat when the old woman said that I could come in, so I turned the knob before opening the door, where I found her knitting while sitting on her bed. I then tried to strike up a conversation with the woman, but the moment she looked up and saw that the visitor wasn't her granddaughter, I gasped as she screamed before immediately trying to calm her down. As nervous as I was about what she might do to me, I was hoping she would understand that I wasn't going to eat her up, but that old lady jumped out of bed and dashed out the back door before I could stop her, leaving me with an empty house and the sound of someone approaching.

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