A Twisted Happy Ending

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After we finished our embrace some long unknown time later, I realized that I couldn't stay with Grace forever, since I still had my treehouse. When I told Grace about my treehouse, she asked if she could help me bring my belongings from my house to hers, and I was so touched that I cried again before she dried my tears with her fingers. They were so soft and delicate that I seriously thought that she was made of snowflakes, and as soon as I was done crying, I took her hand before leading her to my treehouse. We were most of the way there when I spotted the magic woman's cottage, and I decided to face my fears by approaching her door and saying hello to her, hoping that things would be better than our last meeting.

Contrary to how she reacted when we first saw each other, the woman was quite delighted to hear how I learned my lesson, and she apologized for how rudely she behaved before asking what we were doing in her area. When we told her that I was going to be transporting my belongings to Grace's place, the woman giggled a little and shook her head before snapping her fingers, after which she winked as she told us to go right back home. Even though the two of us were confused by her instructions, we knew better than to disobey her, so we thanked her and made our way home before gasping when we arrived. In a tree right next to Grace's humble wooden cottage, which in itself was nestled in the forest far from the brambles she rescued me from, was my treehouse with all my belongings still in it.

Without missing a beat, I took Grace's hand and pulled her towards the treehouse, where I showed her everything I owned before my transformation and told her even more about my life prior to our meeting. The woman must have noticed the way my eyes were sparkling as I talked about how Grace helped me become human again, and that might have convinced her to pull a few magic strings for us to have a happily ever after.

So that is the true story of the big bad wolf, in a way. As much as I hated my furry form, I'm very glad that the woman changed me like that so I could learn a lesson, as well as find someone as incredible as Grace. The two of us were engaged and married within a few months' time, and after having a small ceremony with just our families and close friends, we honeymooned in the treehouse just for fun before spending the rest of our lives between there and the cottage.

The end.

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