Try, Try Again.

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Knowing that the footsteps belonged to the little girl I saw earlier, I panicked again as I wondered what I was going to do next, since I could either run after the old lady and try to convince her to come back or I could pretend to be the grandma. As much as I knew that my second option would be another lie, I figured it would be a safer option, so I grabbed a nightgown and nightcap that were on a nearby chair before throwing them on and hopping into bed. I then picked up the knitting needles and attempted to stitch something together, mentally preparing for what I was going to say to the little girl and hoping that I could get at least one cupcake and some juice, and that's when I heard a little tapping sound at the door.

After trying to do my best granny voice, I listened as the little girl asked to come in before feeling my heart melt when she added the word "please," to which I softly chuckled and told her to come in. After nodding and giving a little wave to the girl as she came in, I smiled as she approached the bed with the basket and flowers in hand, knowing that this would be the moment I was waiting for. While setting the knitting supplies aside, I looked at the little girl and asked her how her journey was to the cottage, and she was telling me about the wolf she saw when we made the most bone-chilling eye contact.

"Goodness, grandma. What strangely gigantic eyes you have!"

"The better to see how much you've grown, dearie." I cooly said as the smell of the cupcakes wafted into my nostrils, causing me to hold back the urge to lick my lips for fear of being too predatorial. 

"Grandma! What unusually peculiar hands you have!"

"The better to hold an entire cupcake or two with, my dear." I said as I finally licked my lips, showing my massive canines as the smell of the cupcakes was getting overwhelming, which unfortunately was the deal-breaker for her.

"Grandma! What a frighteningly massive mouth you have!"

"The better to eat your cupcakes with!" I snapped in hunger-induced outrage, to which the girl screamed before I tried to convince her to calm down and let me have one of her cupcakes, but she refused to listen. It was at that moment that the backdoor opened, and I expected to see the old woman again before gasping when I saw a hunter with his gun at the ready, to which I gulped before throwing off the disguise and running out the door. I could hear something following me, but after making a few turns and falling into the same flower patch that I guided the girl towards, I think I lost the hunter. The flowers smelled so wonderful that I was soon lulled to sleep, but my hunger grew even more.

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