My Saving Grace

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"Here...please eat with me."

I softly spoke as I pushed the tray closer to her, which is when I heard her gasp before noticing that her eyes were wider than I'd ever seen them, after which she apologized with a giggle and admitted that she was just startled by my ability to speak. While she was apologizing, I couldn't help but be left in awe at how pink her cheeks got, which added to her already beautiful look. After finding out that her name was Grace, I told her everything I could remember happening since my transition to wolf-form, making sure to be as short and sweet as possible while not missing any details, and the woman apologized for how hurt I was prior to our meeting before I asked her how she brought me to this comforting place.

She told me that after finding me and pulling me out of the brambles, she bandaged my thorn wounds before asking around the woods for any information on wolves, which is when she found a woman who claimed to have changed a man into a wolf. That woman was the same lady that cursed me with my canine form, and I was surprised to find out that the woman had given Grace a special bandage, which she was to wrap around any part of my body when I had learned my lesson. Since I had told Grace about all that happened to me since I last saw the magic lady, she asked if I wanted to become a human again before I said yes, knowing that I would be much happier and safer as a human again. I promised Grace that I had learned a lesson from my experiences as a wolf, and I promised to not break into anyone else's homes or get on anyone's bad sides again, to which she smiled as she got up and left before returning shortly after, holding some sort of long green fabric that she said was the bandage.

Knowing that this would make me human again, I stood on all four legs and looked at Grace with hope in my eyes before she gently placed the cloth around my waist. Just as she was tying the loose ends of the cloth together, I could feel a steady chill slowly running through my limbs before gasping when I noticed that my fur was vanishing, along with my tail and all the bandages that were covering the places that the thorns scratched me. Since my legs as a wolf were the same length while my human legs were longer than my arms, I let out a yelp as I fell on my face before my eyes widened when I realized that my long nose was gone, and I tried not to cry with tears of thankful joy as I noticed that my paws had turned back into fingers and feet.

"I...I'm human again! I'm me!"

I couldn't believe that Grace would do so much for a total stranger like me, and I was so happy that I quickly sprung up and hugged her tight, crying onto her shoulder while thanking her over and over again. I'm sure that Grace was surprised by my actions, but I soon found myself in such a warm embrace that I let out a little coo as she ran her hand along my back, her fingers feeling amazing through the fabric of my worn-out shirt. We stayed in that embrace for quite a while, and while she hummed a gentle song and caressed my back some more, I felt such strong emotions for her that I was actually comfortable with her. She was so much kinder than the little girl with the red hood, and she only used fire to heat her fireplace and not set my tail ablaze, so there was no doubt in my mind that my stay at her house was going to be a long one.

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