Third Time's The Charm...Not Quite

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After waking up in the flower patch and getting some berries to halt my hunger, I got out of the blossoms and decided to find some real food. As soon as I was a good distance away from the old woman's house, where I could smell the cupcakes and tried extremely hard not to break in and take one, I was quite surprised when I saw a very peculiar house. It was constructed from roof to base with straw, and even though I wanted to laugh at how flimsy the material was, I brushed those thoughts aside and wanted to see if the owners were home. Thanks to an engraved image on the side of a mailbox nearby, I gathered that a pig was living there and hoped that they would let me in, so I could maybe get to know them over a good meal. After sauntering to the door, I lightly knocked on it and cleared my throat.

"Little pig, little pig! Please let me in!"

I hoped that this would be a better encounter than the last few, but I guess the pig thought otherwise, because I was soon greeted with a gasp before hearing a high-pitched voice saying, "Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!"

To be honest, I was quite hurt by the response that the pig gave me, and that hurt mixed with my hunger turned to anger as I threatened to destroy their house. How was I to do that, you ask? Simple! Their shack was so flimsy that I could simply blow it down, so after taking a few steps back and inhaling a lot of air, I blew at the house until the walls fell down faster than Jericho's. I was soon looking at the curly tail-end of a fleeing pig, and before I had time to explain my behavior, the pig had reached a hut that was made of sticks. I saw the pig dash into the stick house and wondered if it was a relative living in there, so after looking around the remains of the first house for some food and taking a few biscuits, I munched on the treats before making my way to the other abode.

I approached the door and cleared my throat before knocking and politely asking if I could come in, but I was soon given the same response as I did at the last house, and that added to my anger before I took a few steps back and blew the house down. The sticks fell apart and spread like a poorly-made treehouse, and I sighed in defeat as the two pigs ran off before picking a couple of cookies off the ground, after which I looked around for anyone to hopefully get help from. It was at that point that I spied a massive house made of well-placed bricks, and just as I was wondering if I had found my saving grace, I overheard a couple of squeaky squeals through a window before hearing someone calling me a "Big Bad Wolf" after what I did to the little girl and her grandmother.

Wanting to show them that I could be much nicer than what they heard, while also being surprised at how fast word travels through the woods, I gulped and knocked on the door before asking as nicely as I could to be let in. I thought the third attempt would work with those pigs, but I was given a negative response before I tried to blow their house down, which turned out to be quite difficult compared to the other two houses. No matter how hard I tried, the walls wouldn't even tremble at my breath, and I was soon turning blue in the face.

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