Chapter 1

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The winds were moving softly. Yet it was not a breeze that make you simmer down. The prestigious sun setting early making everywhere gloomy and dull. Dying screeches of the birds filled the already gloomy atmosphere. Surrounding carrying a grim aura with tears, blood, dead bodies and wailing of women.

Mighty shiv mandir was not occupied with peaceful voices of devotees of bholenath, instead it occupied with eerie silence other than occasional wailing and heart wrenching sobs of a woman. The said woman sat among oils lamps which yet to lighten as she cried her heart out. Few days ago these lamps lighten the whole shiv mandir but now there was only darkness just like her life. The reign queen of Hastinapur sighed heavily.


Oh! how I missed my children. Hundred I had hundred I lost. That beast Bheem was boasting about how he killed my Suyodhan my first born. Alas, what exactly could you expect from people who killed their own elder brother and living without guilt. Oh! My eldest my Aditya. He may be my Suyodhan's friend for world but for me he was my eldest son. He always cared for my children like father, shared their pain like elder brother , did mischief with them and guide them like true friend. All my children loves him a lot. His insult during the swyamvar was the reason Suyodhan hate Draupadi. Hey! Mahadev I really wants to leave this life behind. I can't bear this pain. I feel suffocated just staying in this cursed kingdom.

                        While Maharani Gandhari weeping and screaming for Mahadev to take her to her children. There are two people out side the entrance of shiv mandir. One is a woman who wears a white saree with rudraksha jewelry while other woman is wearing fiery red saree with heavy jewelries. Rajmata Kunti hesitantly look at her daughter in law Draupadi. Draupadi gave a small nod to Kunti. Swallowing her saliva Kunti called for Gandhari. Gandhari jerked at the sound. Kunti and Draupadi could see the deep frown in her tear stricken face.


What was this woman who was sole reason for my Karn's death want?. Why is she calling me with pitiful timid voice?. Why did she feeling sad for ? Her five sons living a healthy, luxurious life while my all sons including vasu was dead. Just how could this woman whom she once treated as her own sister abandoned her own flesh and blood. Even asuras didn't do  such a heinous crime.

        "Draupadi " Gandhari's voice sound hoarse due to lack of use. Her lips curved into a mocking smile. " Why are you here?". Greetings mata I come here to seek apology and to get some solace myself."
"Is that so? ". She looked tired and pitiful. I'm afraid that this mother of yours can't offer you that Draupadi". "Jiji how are you?"
Gandhari smiled dryly at the pathetic attempt for conversation.
"How would I feel after loosing all my children Kunti?" Rajmata Kunti stiffed hearing her sister in law's remark. Adding a sad tone to her voice she said "jiji I know how it feels to loose a son". "Then surely you can understand how it feels like loosing my hundred and one sons". Gandhari screamed cutting off Kunti. With shaky voice she pleads to Draupadi "please Draupadi take your mother in law and get out of here. I wants to be alone." Draupadi grabbed 
Kunti's hand and went out of mandir. Gandhari on other hand turned to huge shivling and started doing penance to Mahadev hoping next life she can be mother to karn.
  Days, months and years passed. Gandhari herself didn't know how many years pass. For years she seated Infront of shivling without food and water survived only by air. She concentrate purifying her heart and soul.

Suddenly bright light appeared in the shiv mandir and heavenly voice called out to Gandhari.  " Gandhari open your eyes Putri"
Devon ki dev Mahadev called for his devotee. Gandhari slowly open her eyes. "Putri I'm pleased with your penance asked for boon Putri". Said Mahadev with divine smile on his face. Gandhari slowly opened her blindfold and look at Mahadev. After taking deep breath she opened her mouth. " Please Mahadev grant me a happy life with my children including Karn". Mahadev smiled at his devotee. " why do you want Karn as your son gandhari?". Asked Mahadev. "He is my child even though I didn't birth him Mahadev". Gandhari said with small smile. "If you have a chance to raise your children including Karn do you wish to go to past Gandhari ?".asked Mahadev." If I got to raise Karn as my own I will do anything Mahadev . Even if  I have to return to my cursed life I'll do it". Gandhari answered." Then Putri I will grant your wish. "But you will never remember your this life". Saying that Mahadev disappeared. With a beautiful smile adoring her face  reign queen of Hastinapur Maharani Gandhari's soul leaves her body.

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