Chapter 2

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Sitting under a tree near river Yamuna is a beautiful and elegant woman. A hermitess who radiates a aura of a royal. Someone who appear dainty but her deep ocean blue eyes conveys a different story. None can in a look guess that this is fiery princess of kashi, Rajkumari Amba.

 None can in a look guess that this is fiery princess of kashi, Rajkumari Amba

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Its been 13 years after my swyamvar. You can say it is the biggest joke of the era. My father had enemity with Hastinapur so he wants to humiliated Hastinapur by not inviting them to our swayamvar. But what happened?. My father's thirst for revenge destroyed his three daughters life. His eldest daughter wandering as hermitess while other two daughters suffering in Hastinapur as namesake queens.
  My mind went back to my childhood. I had a happy childhood  even though my father didn't care for us. My aunt and grandfather showered us with love unlike my father. Grandfather didn't have a
Patriarch mindset. Grandfather always favored my aunt than father. My grandfather believed Kashi kanya's are blessing from Mahadev. But my father didn't carry this idea. For him girls are only tools used for alliance.  I also remember how I run around the palace with my cousins Vallabh ,Vallavan and Valluvan. We always run around messing decorations, stealing foods and pranking everyone in kashi. During swayamvar cousin brothers and aunt went to do annual puja for my late uncle Lalitchandra's
death anniversary. I always had a doubt that father fixed swayamvar date for those day intentionally to make sure that I will marry Shalva. If aunt was there she will never agreed to that. I heard father pass down the throne to bharata Vallabh. Bharata will be a good ruler for its people. They also married. I even can't see my brothers wedding.  How unlucky am I?. All this because my spineless father and that Bhishm. I'm never ever gonna forgive them.

           After shaking her head to dissolve unwanted thoughts Amba starts her journey. 13 years ago to exact her revenge from Bhishm
she seek help of Bhagawan Parshuram. He decided to fight for her honor. He challenged Bhishm for fight which drag for 23 days. In 23 day Mahadev stopped the fight and told Amba to do austeries, calm herself and asked wisely for a boon. So she started doing austeries. During these days she have visited several kingdoms and places, learned from great sages ,performed austeries by standing still for six months in the Yamuna river valley without food or water surviving only air. She became emaciated and developed matted locks. After that she stood in the waters of Yamuna without food and practiced austeries. After that she spent time standing on tiptoes having eaten only one fallen leaf of a tree. These years been hard for courageous and bold kashi kanya.

   When Amba went towards the edge of the forest near river Yamuna. She saw a wooden house in the corner of the forest . She stopped her walk and stared at the house. A beautiful woman come out of the house with a little boy. The woman suddenly saw Amba and walked towards her.

Woman :"Who are u devi?" 

Amba: "I'm a hermitess who doing austeries." Amba replied with a small smile.

Women : "Then can you please visit our house It's going to dark already It's not safe to wander alone forest this time."

Amba: "Thank you. Devi"

Then woman take Amba to their house. Amba asked woman about her life while helping her to do her chores. Woman's name is Vatsala, her husband is a brahmin named Shakti and her 5 years old son is Viraj. She told amba they were living here for more than 8 years. After finished helping Amba went to her room and started thinking about her life. A knock bring her back from her thoughts.

Vatsala : "Can I come Kashikumari Amba?"

Amba : "Yes you..... what how do you know that I'm Amba?

Vatsala:" Because I saw you when I visited Kashi with my parents. So why are you doing austeries Rajkumari?".

Amba: "I'm no Rajkumari now devi. I'm doing penance because I can take revenge from Bhishm"

Vatsala:" Will your revenge satisfied you devi?. Revenge is something disastrous for everyone's life including one who seeks revenge but justice bring you solace. For a petty revenge don't waste your life Rajkumari. Instead seek justice for you."

Amba: "I... I don't know what to do  anymore devi".

Vatsala: "Think about it and ask your heart what you want Rajkumari because heart never failed us. Good night."

Amba: "Good night and thank you for your advice. "

Vatsala went out of the room and Amba again started thinking. Next day Amba thank Vatsala for her hospitality and went near river Yamuna.


Is what that devi told me yesterday was right?. Am I ruining my life for revenge ?.Thinking again my father's revenge didn't do any good to us. May be I should ask for justice from Mahadev.

While amba musing she heard divine voice called.

Mahadev"Amba Putri I'm here to grant you a boon.   What do you  want Putri"

Amba: "Mahadev please grant me justice for what Bhishm did to me"

Mahadev: "Tatsu Putri. You will get justice in due time. I also grant you eternal youth and knowledge of weapons and warfare that you always want to learn. And Putri go and meet your matamaha then after right time come visit Kashi."

After saying this Mahadev disappeared. Amba tried to process the knowledge bestowed by Mahadev. Slowly processing the knowledge she started her journey to find her matamaha.

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