Chapter 3

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After the abduction of Kashi Rajkumaris Rajmata Satyavati married off two Rajkumaris to her beloved son Vichitravirya. Rajkumari Ambika and Rajkumari Ambalika had hard time adjusting to palace. Because it's first time they have to do work alone without their elder sister's assistance. They also didn't trust Rajmata Satyavati because she is too shrewd for their liking. They somewhat adjust according to Hastinapur traditions when again their life destroyed. The crowning of Rajkumar Vichitravirya as the king supposed to be their happiest day after long time because they going to get what they deserved. They were going to crown as  Queens of kuru empire.

 They were going to crown as  Queens of kuru empire

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(Maharani Ambika)

(Maharani Ambalika)

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(Maharani Ambalika)

  But who expected them to become widows. On the day of his crowning ceremony Maharaj Vichitravirya died without siring any royal heir. His death caused a huge blow for his wives and mother. Soon royal court started debate on the next royal heir.

Prime Minister: Rajmata, Mahamahim, We have to select a person as a next successor for throne.

Minister 1: I think Mahamahim Bhishm should step up and take throne as their no any other successors.

Couturiers: We agree with you minister.

Bhishm: No minister I'm not going to take the throne as I vowed not to sit on the throne and life of celibacy. I'm sure we can find a answer to this problem. Mata Satyavati do you have any idea to solve this problem?.

Satyavati: Yes. Bhishm I do have a solution. But I need your and Courtiers permission for that.

Courtiers: Tell us about your solution Rajmata.

Satyavati: Before my marriage with Maharaj Shantanu, I had a son with rishi Parashar. I told this about to Maharaj Shantanu and he accepted my child as his. That child is none other than rishi  Ved Vyas and I hope he will agreed to impregnate my daughters in law using niyog.

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