Chapter 5

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In a magnificent and beautiful royal resting chamber Rajmata Satyavati, Maharani Ambika, Maharani Ambalika, Rajkumar Dhritarashtra, Maharaj Pandu and Mahamantri Vidur to each other when soldier interrupts their conversation.

Soldier: Rajmata you have a message from Mahamahim Bhishm .

Satyavati: What is it? Tell us quickly.

Soldier: Mahamahim Bhishm informed that he successfully proposed Gandhar Rajkumari to Rajkumar Dhritarashtra and also they are willing to proceed with marriage. Mahamahim informed Rajmata to start preparations for the wedding.

Pandu: Here take my necklace for bringing us such good news. Congratulations Jyesht for your marriage.

Satyavati: When will Bhishm reach Hastinapur?.

Soldier: After two days Mahamahim will enter the borders of Hastinapur

Ambalika: You are excused now. I wonder what kind of a girl is this Gandhar Rajkumari? Mata do you know anything about her.

Satyavati: At first I only know about her boon from Mahadev to bear 100 sons for her husband. That is also the reason I agreed to this marriage. But after Bhishm went Gandhar I search about her .
I heard she is well versed in politics, weapon wielding, economics and arthashastra other than what normal princess should known.

Ambika: Is that so mata? She must be a brilliant girl. I did not hear about her academic achievements but I heard she is a brave and kind hearted girl whom adored by her people and family. I hope she will take care of happiness and safety of my son.

Ambalika: Don't worry sister, I'm pretty sure she is going to be a good wife and good daughter in law.

Satyavati: All right. We can asked more about her from Bhishm. Now we should start preparations for wedding.

With the command of Rajmata Satyavati royals of Hastinapur went to do their duties and start preparations for Dhritarashtra's wedding.

After two days Bhishm come to palace. Rajmata and two Queens asked Mahamahim about Gandhari. He told them that she is a brave, kind hearted, beautiful  and graceful lady. Also he told them about how Gandhari received a boon from two rishis to bear a son from any god of her choice and also about she bring luck to her family members. Rajmata Satyavati was very happy about Hastinapur future heirs will be a devputra and Mahadev's boon. Ambalika was happy her bloodline received Mahadev's boon. Ambika was happy that she will get 101 grandsons to pamper and love.

  Soon royals of Hastinapur start their journey towards Gandhar.


In Gandhar everyone is very excited about the marriage of their beloved princess Gandhari. Common people were torn between anger and happiness. Anger because their beloved princess has to marry a blind man. Happiness because she will be married to a rich and prosperous kingdom. So common people thought that they should be happy for their princess because this is what she choose for herself. People of Gandhar kingdom start decorate their kingdom for upcoming wedding.

  In palace Sugandha and Gandhari choosing ornaments and dresses for marriage functions. When they were talking about dresses Maharani Sudharma entered Gandhari's chamber with thali's filled with jewelries and dresses. Along with Maharani Sudharma a beautiful women with thick black hair and copper eyes entered the chamber.

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