Arthit was back home a little late, as he rung the bell, he had to wait for a couple of minutes before kongpob pulled the door open
He grabbed arthits bag and his coat before walking in quietly, leaving the other surprised who had expected him to throw some tantrums at him
Kongpob hung his coat on the hanger and put his bag on the table before he brought him a glass of water and informed him that the dinner was ready in the kitchen
"Did you eat already?" Arthit asked, hoping to start a conversation
Kongpob just shook his head in response, taking a seat beside him and serving food to himself too
"Are you mad about the morning? Look, I.. " arthit was cut by kongpob
"I'm not mad at you, as I told you earlier, we aren't close enough, and after everything, isn't this what you wanted? For me to work quietly as if I'm one of the servants? To not question, to not touch your belongings? And I'm doing exactly what you wanted, does it still not satisfy you?" Kongpob asked, pushing the plate away
"Look, it's not what I meant..." arthit was cut yet again
"You never really mean anything, you just have the right to say or do anything, and nobody is allowed to question" kongpob replied
Arthit let out a sigh, he knew he was at fault, but he was also frustrated by the way kongpob was acting, it weirded him out
Why? He expected his first day of marriage to be different, and it turned out rather different
His mind was messing up with him, what did he actually want? Privacy or a loving husband? He was tired, yet again he couldn't argue that kongpob wasn't
"What do you want to do about it then?" Arthit asked looking up at the other
"Nothing, I want you to forget it too, live it like a buisness, carry on with your secretive life and I won't bother you" kongpob replied
"Listen.." arthit was cut by kongpob abruptly standing up
"'s just the first day today, I promised myself I would manage, that I will go through it, but I don't think it's going to be possible, not with you being like this after every second" kongpob ranted out
Arthit stared in his eyes filled with tears, he felt a light pang in his heart, he felt guilty and he wanted to do something for the other to calm down
"When two people are bound together, the one who cares, gets hurt" kongpob said before he walked away
"Have your dinner kong, I will go away!" Arthit yelled after him but kongpob had already gone
He sighed before pushing his own plate away, covering it with another plate before he made his way to the guest bedroom, deciding to sleep it over
_____________________The birds chirped louder than ever as arthit walked down the stairs, ruffling his hair and yawning, as he heard the constant noise of shuffling from the kitchen
There he was, kongpob, preparing the breakfast and his lunchbox side by side, arthit stared at him for a minute, debating whether he should start a conversation or not, deciding otherwise, he went back upstairs to get ready
Kongpob heard his heart breaking into pieces at the noise of arthits footsteps fading away, he had expected him to sincerely apologise or maybe act like nothing happened, but the other straightforwardly ignored him
Once the breakfast was ready, kongpob put it on the dining table and placed arthits lunchbox right beside it, waiting for him to arrive
"Kong, can you possibly pack lunch for an extra person?" Arthit yelled from the bedroom
"You should have told me that earlier" kongpob replied
"Nothing can be down now? I have an important client coming up for a meeting at lunch time" arthit explained, as he walked down the stairs, folding up the shirts sleeves
"You can just leave then, I will prepare extra lunch and bring it to you at the office" kongpob suggested, his eyes travelling to the others veiny hands
"Perfect" arthit replied with a small smile
He took a seat and smiled wider at the smell of the pancakes and once he took a bite, his smile was transformed into a full grin
"How do you manage to cook such delicious food?" Arthit asked, munching on his food like a little kid
Kongpob internally smiled, though his cheeks had turned pink, he tried his best to not make it obvious
"Thanks" kongpob mumbled
_____________________"I am looking for Mr rojanapat" kongpob informed
"Oh yes sir, he is in his cabin, you may proceed" the girl at the reception replied with a smile
Kongpob returned her smile before hurrying towards arthits cabin, it was nearly lunch time and he needed to deliver the lunchboxes
Reaching the cabin, he didn't notice and pushed the door open, directly walking in only to find arthit sitting with the client of his making kongpobs eyes go wide
"Hyunjin?" Kongpob called
"Kong?" The man asked back
"Hey! It's been so long since we last met" kongpob replied, giving the other a side hug
"I know right, the last time we met, we were both in high school" hyunjin replied chuckling
Arthit stared at the two talking as if he just didn't exist, clearing his throat he gained their attention
"You both seem to be knowing each other?" Arthit asked politely
"Yea, we both studied in the same high school and our fathers are old friends" hyunjin replied
"And as of now and forever, he is my husband" arthit replied, his smile slowly turning into a glare
"You got married? How come I didn't know?" Hyunjin complained
Kongpob laughed nervously as he glanced at arthit who was boring holes in him, the effect he had on him was crazy
"We really should catch up someday" hyunjin commented
"Oh surely, though, weren't you busy today? You had work" arthit replied
"Y..yea, quite busy, I just stopped by to give you the lunch" kongpob said, placing the box on the table
"Thank you, honey" arthit replied
Kongpobs heart fluttered but it also sank when the realisation hit him, pulling him back to the truth
He is doing it all just for show kongpob thought
I purple you 💜

Be mine 》
FanfictionArthit is..soft for him? The characters belong to bittersweet and the story plot is on the request of @Susmitha3