This book is on the special request of Susmitha3, I'm sorry for the delay, i hope its what you expected
_________________________________________"Arthit, I need you to accompany me for the meeting today" john informed
"Wasn't I supposed to go on the sight today?" Arthit asked confused at the sudden change of schedule
"Oh yes, but now I would like you to meet someone, you remember Mr kerkarai?" John asked
Arthit nodded in response, kerkarai was a successful businessman and was also a great friend of his father
"I was thinking if you would meet his son today, later, after the meeting, his name is kongpob and he is omega" john replied
"Dad, I don't want to meet up at all the dates you find" arthit replied, huffing out irritatedly
"For how long will you stay like this? She wanted to move on, she did, when will you?" John asked worriedly
"Dad, pl.." Arthit was cut by john
"It's buisness related, I want you to meet him and so you will" john decided before he stood up
Arthit sighed before nodding at his father, it was this aura of his father he could never deny
_____________________John and arthit walked in with their colleagues right behind them, holding all the required documents
"Good morning kerkarai" john greeted with a firm handshake
"Good morning to you too" kerkarai replied
"How are you today uncle?" Arthit asked with a light bow
"Oh I'm alright, how have you been?" Kerkarai asked back
"I'm good" arthit replied with a faint smile
Arthit's eyes travelled to the person sitting beside kerkarai, looking lost yet beautiful, his black hair fell on his forehead softly as he looked around nervously
Arthit's eyes remained on his face for way too long which he realized when their eyes met and the other passed him a small smile to which arthit replied with a nod
"This is my son kongpob, he isn't from the buisness world so looks lost" kerkarai chuckled making kongpob whine
John elbowed arthit, motioning him to greet the other, arthit rolled his eyes at him secretly before forwarding his hand to the other
"It's a pleasure to meet you" arthit said
"Same here" kongpob replied in a tiny voice
His hands were soft in arthit's, and arthit missed the feeling rather immediately when he pulled away
"Let's get started with the meeting first then" john announced
____________________"So, you are aware of their actual plan, aren't you?" Arthit asked walking alongside the other
Kongpob softly nodded, a tiny hint of red blush adoring his cheeks
"I have a past with someone else I'm unable to let go of" arthit said
Kongpob stopped in his tracks, his heart beat dimming ever so slowly
"I will agree to this arranged marriage thing, but I can't love you the way you might be expecting me to" arthit replied before he walked away
Kongpob was left behind, with his unorganized thoughts, his dim heart beat and his broken heart
_______________________"Why did you have to clarify things that deeply?" John asked, caressing his temple
"I didn't want him to have false hopes" arthit replied coolly
"He isn't like you, cool enough! He is emotional, takes things to heart, like normal people" john replied
"Is it my fault that I have become this way?" Arthit asked
"It's your fault for not trying to change the way you have become" john replied
Arthit stared at him, this was his father's speciality, He had facts one couldn't deny no matter how hard He tried
______________________"How is he? Is he sweet? Is he pretty? Is he a shy kind? Is he too girly? Is he kind? Did you like him?" Lisa asked excitement visible in her voice
"P, calm down, I will answer all your questions, calm down first" arthit chuckled at his excited sister
"Alright alright, p in disguise" Lisa replied with a pout
"He is sweet, at least looked like, he is pretty, actually very pretty, he is pretty shy, but it makes him look cute, girly? Nah he isn't, he seems just perfect and I'm pretty sure he is very kind" arthit replied, a smile unconsciously playing on his lips
"Ooooh, looks like someone is whipped and all of this answers my last question by itself" Lisa cheered
"P!" Arthit chuckled
"Anyways, I better go, bogum is crying louder than the kid" Lisa replied irritatedly
Arthit chuckled at her husband's antics before they hung up
Lisa was arthits elder sister, a beta, settled in Korea with her alpha husband bogum and they had a little beta daughter, Isa
Lisa was the only one who could make arthit laugh, bring out his happy side and let him act free, his friends were the others ones who made him comfortable in this uncomfortable world
_______________________"How are you art? Long time no see" Prem asked
"I'm fine, just busy" arthit replied, taking a seat beside knot
"Busy doing what?" Tutah asked wiggling his eyebrows
"Shut up tutah, arthit must be tired from all the work you know" bright laughed mischievously
"Forget them, how's work?" Knot asked, passing him a glass of wine
"Tiring and dad isn't letting go of all the great guys for me" arthit replied
"He is worried for you arthit" knot mumbled
"Did I tell him to be?" Arthit asked
"You want me to beat up that guy he found?" Prem asked immediately standing up
"Oh no no, sit down, I wouldn't want that" arthit replied
The room suddenly fell silent as arthit saw the four of them staring at him as if he was some sort of an alien
"What?" Arthit asked confused
"Is he god?" Tutah asked back
Arthit's eyebrows crashed together in confusion
"You always agree with the beating up plan arthit.." Prem replied
"You are..soft for him" knot mumbled
Arthits heart beat quickened
No, he wasn't
I purple you 💜

Be mine 》
FanfictionArthit is..soft for him? The characters belong to bittersweet and the story plot is on the request of @Susmitha3