"Hey, you called in rather suddenly?" Knot asked taking a seat
"I..I'm in a tough situation" arthit replied
"What's wrong? Is it about the fiance of yours?" Knot asked back
Arthit nodded in response, feeling his insides tickle, what was happening to him?
"So, what about him?" Knot asked
"I feel weird around him, about him" arthit replied
"You think you like him?" Knot asked
"No! Not at all, no chance" arthit replied in a fraction of seconds
"What's the problem then? He is a friend of yours, isn't he? You are marrying him only for the buisness purposes, then that's how it's to be" knot explained
"Yea.." arthit replied, feeling stupid in himself
______________________Days passed quickly and it was already the night before the wedding
Arthit was calm and relaxed, laying in his room with no worry on his mind, after the meeting with Knot, he had made some facts clear in his mind
Kongpob is my fiance, he is also my friend, our marriage is a buisness proposal and it will be fine arthit thought
Kongpob on the other hand was a nervous wreck, he couldn't sit still for even a second, all he could think about was arthit, the wedding and how they will have to live together
He loved him, the fact was crystal clear, kongpob loved him but he also knew that the other didn't
Gige Kongpob's subconscious mind reminded
Arthit wasn't over her, she was even probably his first love, kongpob wasn't anyone special, why would arthit chose him over her?
But then again, arthit's habits confused him, what was he to do? It was all getting weird and confused, he was tired of everything and exhausted of everyone
Deciding in himself that he needed rest, kongpob fell back on his bed with a soft thud, a good night's sleep might calm his nervous nerves and keep him fresh the next day, oh yes, it would
______________________The morning had arrived, it was the day in the rojanapat house, guests were spread all around the house, the priest was called in
It was arthits choice to conduct the wedding at home rather than a banquet hall
"We would however be taken to the new house I bought, so doesn't matter if we get married here or in some banquet hall" arthit had said
Arthit was standing on the stage in his suit, looking like the perfect gentleman with his friends standing behind him, blabbering constantly
"Our friend is getting married!" Tutah cheered
"Arthit has grown up" bright added, wiping off his fake tears
"Says the one who still sleeps with a stuffed animal" prem teased
Arthit chuckled at this too, it was always a point to shut bright up, the other would get rather shy when this fact was brought out
Arthit looked around and his eyes fell on a giggling aim, he immediately stiffened, arthit didn't hate him, he just hated how close he was to kongpob, how kongpob put aim before him, confusing yet again, but arthit, hated it
"Kongpob is here!" John announced
All eyes turned to the groom walking in with his eyes fixed on the ground, he was blushing and it was obvious, the huge amount of attention made him nervous
Arthits heart fluttered at the sight, the bouquet in his hands loosesened due to the sweat suddenly forming in his palms, he looked away for a second before turning back to him
In a minute or two, kongpob stood right in front of him, still not meeting him in the eyes which made arthit impatient, he wanted to see kongpobs face
"Look up at me" he mumbled for only kongoob to hear
Kongpob slowly shook his head for only arthit to see
"Look up kong" arthit repeated
Kongpob ignored the instructions this time
"Omega, Look up at your alpha" arthit ordered
Kongpob pouted before he looked up at arthit, their eyes finally meeting and he felt his heart bubble up with immense happiness while arthit just stared at him in an awe
It was now that kongpob noticed how arthit looked, like a fairy tale, he looked like the prince every princess dreamt of in the stories, he looked magical and mesmerising
"If the grooms are done staring, can we begin?" Bright asked wiggling his eyebrows when prem pulled him away
Arthit nodded at the priest who passed him a smile before he began with the rituals and the
"Mr Kongpob sutthalik, do you accept Arthit rojanapat as your husband?" The priest asked
"I do" kongpob replied
"Mr Arthit rojanapat, do you accept kongpob sutthalik as your husband?" The priest asked
"I do" arthit replied
"The grooms may now kiss" the priest announced
Kongpob felt his heart flutter and pump wildly at the very sane time, his eyes fixed on his feet again as he saw arthit walk towards him
Arthit looked at him, shutting his eyes tight nervously, letting out an airy chuckle, arthit bent down and placed a soft peck on his forehead taking him by surprise
The guests awed and clapped right after, making kongpob look up at arthit who smiled brightly at him
"I, now, announce them as husbands" the priest announced
I purple you 💜

Be mine 》
Hayran KurguArthit is..soft for him? The characters belong to bittersweet and the story plot is on the request of @Susmitha3