chapter 16

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Two years later

"Oon! Your lunch box isn't ready yet" kongpob yelled from behind

"Get it for me later kong, I'm quite late already" arthit yelled back, rushing to the couch

Kongpob sighed, making a mental to note to not forget about arthits lunch in his new motherly duties

"Bub, daddy's gonna miss you while he is away, love you" arthit mumbled, kissing the little baby lying on the couch, sleeping ever so soundly

Arthit smiled at his daughter one more time before he hurried off to the main door, not wanting to be any more late than he already was

Kongpob chuckled, he loved seeing the two most important people in his life interact with so much love, he would usually sneak glances at times like these

Arthit and kongpob had been wanting a baby since they met one of arthit's freinds a year ago, at a party

Arthit noticed how kongpob spent the whole party playing with just the baby and not caring about anyone or anything else in the world

Arthit had smiled at him and asked him if he wanted a company at home to which kongpob had nodded eagerly with a wide grin

There was nothing much to think about or debate over after that, they had both wanted a mini version of themselves and now here they were, with a beautiful little soul who lights up the house even more

Ara was more than a year old, she barely can talk, but her little blabbers in her baby language are the most interesting talks of the world that they can listen to their whole life

She was daddy's girl since day one, her first word was daddy, which was a few weeks ago and kongpob remembers how arthit had cried that day, like a little baby himself

Kongpob smiled at the thoughts in his head, packing the lunch box, he put it in the fridge before rushing to his angel, it was time for some motherly duties

Kongpob had given her a bath and taken one too, he had changed her clothes, put her a new diaper and readied her tiny bag with a bunch of toys to keep her busy with, at the office

He glanced at the clock, there was half an hour left for the lunch break, grabbing the lunch box from the fridge and getting Ara, he made his way to the car

The drive was twenty minutes long, he walked inside the office, stopping at the reception making sure arthit was free before making his way to the others office

"Come in" arthit called out hearing the soft knock on his door

Kongpob pushed the door open, walking in as he placed Ara on the couch with her bag, pulling out her toys, he put them around her to keep her busy

"Don't take her now, she will destroy your desk" kongpob warned

Arthit pouted but obeyed anyways, as he waited for kongpob up open up the lunch while he quickly saved the documents he was working on

Arthit grinned at the smell of the food kongpob had prepared for him, arthit has always loved his cooking, there was something about his way that made even the ordinary food so very delicious

"I literally love your cooking more than you, at this point" arthit chuckled

"So what I need to be alert of is my cooking?" Kongpob giggled

Arthit waved his hand in the air with a short laugh, while kongpob stared at him affectionately

"I'm glad it ended up this way.." kongpob mumbled

"Huh?" Arthit asked looking up, confused at the sudden choice of words

"I'm glad it ended up this way, with you and me" kongpob completed

Arthit smiled back at him, feeling his insides flutter until Ara let out a loud cry

Both the males turned to face her, arthit chuckled while kongpob proceeded to take her in his arms

"Maybe she means, me too!" Arthit reasoned out

Kongpob chuckled at the reasoning, Ara had already fell quiet, maybe arthit was right, and so was kongpob

It's fortunate, thar it ended up this way, with him and him, and Ara, of course

A/N --- That's where I end the story, I hope you liked it and you enjoyed the journey up till here

Let's meet soon in the next story!

I purple you 💜

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