The door bell rung loud and clear when the servants pulled the door open, only to find a rather desperate looking arthit rushing inside
John walked out the living room, smiling at his son, who had nothing but a confused frown on his face
"Why did you lie to me dad?" Arthit asked, not beating around the bush
"What is it about arthit?" John asked back
"Gige, you gave her money to leave me.." arthit replied
It took a few minutes for the words to sink in John's mind, arthit knew it, he had found it, this was one of the things that John wasn't very proud of in his entire life
"Arthit, it was for your own.. " john was cut by arthit
"Whosoever it was for, why would you lie to me? What was the reason?" Arthit asked, desperate
"Gige, she belonged to a lower class family, you know it right? How could I take her in my house? What would the people say?" John whispered
Arthit stared at him in disbelief, his father, his hero, could think that way? That low?
"Dad..I, never, expected you to have such a thinking" arthit replied
"I'm ashamed of it too son, that is one reason why I couldn't bring myself to tell you the truth, please forgive me.." john mumbled pleadingly
"There is nothing to forgive you for, I just am disappointed in you, very much" arthit replied
"Does this get us on different relations?" John asked, his eyes held pure fear
"No, it doesn't, because even after all this, I know you love me and somewhere in your stupid thinking, you were trying to protect me from the people's harsh words" arthit replied
"I'm sorry.." john mumbled
"You should be, to her" arthit replied before he made his way back to the taxi waiting outside for him
_______________________Arthit unlocked the door with the spare key in his bag, he didn't want to startle and wake the other this way
Leaving his bags in the living room, he made his way to the bedroom, slowly pushing the door open, he peeked in only to find kongpob cutely tucked in the covers, sleeping soundly
Arthig smiled warmly at the sight before hurrying towards the closet and changing into a comfortable pair of clothes
Once done, he lay himself right beside kongpob under the covers, before pulling the other closer to him by his waist
"Hey, love, missed me?" Arthit whispered in the younger ones ear
Kongpob squirmed in his place, slowly opening an eye and glancing at arthit, the frown on his face turned into a bright grin as he moved closer to the other
Arthit chuckled at his antics, practically pulling the other to lay over him, who grinned the whole while
"How was your trip?" Kongpob asked
"It was alright, how were you?" Arthit asked back, pecking his forehead
"Not good, missed you" kongpob mumbled with the smallest pout he could master
Arthit giggled, pulling him even closer if humanly possible before he began to say something, he wished he wouldn't regret
"I met her while I was on the trip" arthit informed
Arthit felt kongpobs body stiffen rather immediately, as the other moved away to look up at arthits face
"Gige?" Kongpob whispered, confirming his biggest fear
Arthit nodded in response, sitting up straight as kongpob followed
"Oh.." kongpob replied, looking everywhere but at arthit
Arthit took the others hands in his, caressing them warmly
"We talked, for a bit, cleared a few misunderstandings between us, and said our final goodbyes, the unsaid ones, all I wanted was to inform you, I didn't want you to know it from somewhere else and think like I hid it from you, I want you to know everything that is going on in my life, since you are a hugs part of it" arthit explained
Kongpob blinked a multiple times, registering the others words before a smile crept upon his lips
Here arthit goes again, raising the standards oh so high for a perfect man
"I love you, for being so honest" kongpob replied
"I love you, for being so understanding" arthit mumbled smiling
Kongpob smiled back at him before laying his head on his chest, listening to arthits calm heartbeat as he stroked his hair softly, mumbling silent I love you's in between
I purple you 💜

Be mine 》
FanfictionArthit is..soft for him? The characters belong to bittersweet and the story plot is on the request of @Susmitha3