~ Acceptance ~

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Hi readers, Alex here.

Today's sub-topic is Acceptance.

Acceptance is one of the hardest things for LGBTQ+ members to find. If people do end up accepting them they normally only accept as much as they want to or are able to wrap their heads around.

I myself being part of the LGBTQ+ community I've found that some people are somewhat okay with the idea of lesbians, gays and bisexuals. This is because this part of the community is easier for people to warp their heads around.

They seem to simply see it as woman have a sexual attraction towards other woman, men have a sexual attention to men and woman having a sexual attraction to both woman and men or vice versa with men having a sexual attraction to Both men and woman.

Whereas when it comes to a more complex subject such as transgender men and woman people have a hard time accepting them for who they are. This concept of relativity harder for people to accept, this is all because they don't understand it.

I like to think about this topic as something that has no effect on the likes of other people, yet for some uncanny reason people feel the need to talk and gossip about them as if they are something other than human and they seem to think that this is all okay.

People who are a part of the group of individuals who don't accept them and those who are only willing to accept as much as they want often feel uncomfortable around trans members.

The reason for their discomfort is unknown; or the root cause for this at least but from what is seen and herd nowadays most people don't see the reason as to why somebody would want to change who they were or are and what they identify as. In this case the change made is their gender.

Some change due to how they and their bodies were treated or are treated during their time as their birth assigned gender. Others just don't feel comfortable as the gender they were or are, some feel as though they are more confident as the other gender. This may be because they don't have to be treated a certain way, undergo or experience certain pressures.

I as a trans man myself don't allow myself to be free or to express myself I in turn suppress and don't acknowledge my true identity and sit behind a birth given alias from the fear of unacceptance, mistreatment and pressures from parents, friends and siblings to keep it all under wraps and hide it away.

Acceptance for me like many others isn't a common thing for many and I like many other want that to change. we are certainly better then we were but we still have a ways to go yet.

that's all for today guy's

have a good morning, noon or night and remember:

Stay safe, stay kind and stay true to yourselves!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Xander Out :3

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