~ Parents ~

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that today's chapter will be addressed to the parents, carers or guardians of any LGBTQ+ members, if the titles above don't apply to you and you'd like to read it anyway by all means do so.

Parents, carers and guardians please if your child decides to come out to you; first of all good on them! For most of you who don't know, coming out takes a whole lot of courage and bravery, the act of first admitting it aloud to themselves can be one of the most exhilarating times in their journey to become who they truly feel comfortable to be, this journey is also hard by no means am I saying it's easy, as I said it will be a rough journey to take but you will come out it a better you.

Through this process these individuals are going to struggle physically and mentally at the hands of others and some will also struggle by the hands of themselves. Most people say that your reputation or what people say will affect you the most, but that's not true, our biggest critics are ourselves. What we think of ourselves will ALWAYS have more sway over us then what some else says no matter what they are to you whether they be a parent, friend, partner, sibling or otherwise, nobody has as much sway over yourself as YOU.

Parents, please don't be one of the people who put them through those struggles. Be somebody who is supportive and kind but most importantly be the one to just simply listen, these individuals most of the time won't have anybody to listen to them and sometime that's all they need, I don't expect any of the to understand it but I don't see a reason as to why we can't take a moment of our time to just sit and listen.

advise and gives an honest opinion of what you think about everything but DON'T be forceful or think that you will always be right, I know for some that is hard to hear but it's the truth, anybody who goes on this journey, goes on it willing trying to find themselves. This is done by them for them, they make their own decisions and they alone have to be the ones to make them. This in no way means that you can't help them out and say what you think they should or shouldn't do but the choice is always theirs and only theirs, not their parents , their friends or their family's THEIRS!

A parents opinion of this topic is more important than most may realise, if your bond with your kid/s is strong they are more likely to listen to what you have to say and take you words on board when making their decisions. If your relationship with your kid/s if weaker or broken entirely they are either more reluctant to listen to you, do the opposite or rebel.

I would also just like to say to you all that it is okay to give your honest opinion of what you think about everything, this is all okay but please do be mindful about the way that you voice your opinion. When saying that I don't mean what words you use but rather your tone and the way that your message comes across. I would keep the content of this paragraph as a side note for future reference, it can be handy in instances such as this one as well as any other discussions that may come up later in life.

Sorry today's chapter is short, I will post again soon.

Bye for now guys, and remember;

Stay safe. Stay Kind. But most importantly stay true to yourselves! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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