~ The Villian And The Hero ~

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"I always wondered why I liked the villian more and I think it might be because when they get down on their knees for her and only her, something inside me stirs. A hero would sacrifice her to save the world showing that they are indeed pure-hearted and honest, But a villian would tear the world apart if she was hurt, that is a promise. They seem selfish, manipulative and rude to everyone around them but he treats her like a queen, his and only his, sitting beside him on her throne with her crown. I think the villian is misjudged and most of the time we don't see their side of the story for is we saw it the hero may not seem so full of glory. Monsters are made not born and any soul tortured, confused or abused incidentally would not have to mourn. So the next time I defend the villian of the tale remember that they too were once broken."

The same can be said for LGBTQ+ kids and their parents, allow me to elaborate:

"I always wondered why I liked the villian more and I think it might be because when they get down on their knees for her and only her, something inside me stirs.'

A child will go against everything, social morals and pressures in order to be themselves, they like the villian on their knees for the girl, will lay themselves bare, in a silent hopeful protest for acceptance.

"A hero would sacrifice her to save the world showing that they are indeed pure-hearted and honest."

A parent, like a hero will sacrifice their relationship and wellbeing of their kids to adhere to and stand by themselves and their morals. They throw all their words and opinions back onto things like throe religious belifes, social norms or worldly perspectives as a form of justification to portray pure intentions and honesty to society and themselves.

"They seem selfish, manipulative and rude to everyone around them." And "I think the villian is misjudged"

A child will protect and fight for who they are, the child like the villian is misjudged for the child is only trying to be themselves and shut out those who cast their negative opinions upon them, and so ae labeled as selfish or rude just like the villian.

"Most of the time we don't see their side of the story for is we saw it the hero may not seem so full of glory."

Just like that of the villian the Childs side of the story is not seen or heard. If that wasn't the case then the parent like the hero may not seem so glorified and honorable after all.

"Monsters are made not born"

Through this statement 'monsters are made not born' it emphasises that said 'villians' so to speak act the way they do due to what happened to them throughout their lives, though this is never taken into account. The hero and it's society only seem to focus on the 'villians' differences and is therefor perceived as a monster. LGBTQ+ kids like the villian aren't perceived as 'normal' but rather invalid, abnormal or 'monsters.'

That's all for today guys, Xander out :3

And Remember; Stay safe. Stay Kind. But most importantly stay true to yourselves! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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