~ Identity ~

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Hey guys, Alec here hope you all enjoy today's chapter.

Some people say that someones sexuality, gender or preferred name don't make up someone for who they are others say that the only thing that makes up somebodies identity is their personally and what's on the inside.

I beg to differ and say that somebodies sexuality, gender or preferred name makes up their identity just as much as their personality. Sure we don't have to go around and introducing ourselves with this information outright but within time and once we've found trust I don't see any reason as to why we couldn't share this part of who we are.

Who someone loves or who they are can't necessarily define them but it is a part of them, who they are and who they love makes them themselves it allows for a sense of identity, people are a very diverse unique group of individuals. We tend to cast judgement on others without first thinking and sometimes this is okay, the only real problem is when we see that we have done this, not own up to our actions and continue to cast judgements.

Most people cast these negative judgements out is that idea that it makes themselves feel better or that it shows power. What it shows is that people are rude, at least this is what some of the people think.

To me personally people who come across as rude may either just not know how to express themselves or are dealing with other things and that is subconsciously channelling through into how that act and treat others.

Some do this due to other reasons such as;

-  Social pressures or to fit in.

-  While others due to the fear of being cast out of what they feel is a good friendship groups.

Don't get me wrong I'm not for one minute saying that this is okay, not for a second all though I do just want us to take into consideration that some people, some do mean well.

I know this may sound rude and like I don't understand but if either of these two options listed above apply to you; speaking from experience, these groups aren't good for any of you, and I'm sorry to be the one to say that to you. By all means I'm not for a second saying that you need to listen to any of that, it's just there as a note of advice based on personal experiences for those of you that needed it.

Another important factor or our gender identities is our names. Our names often change us, we may change our name for similar reasons as to why we change our genders. We may change them;

1. Because we feel more comfortable and confident with a different name.

2. We decided that we'd like to change our gender identity so we changed our name to suit that aspect.

3. We feel as though we are about to be escape our pass traumas and negative memories of our time having used that name, most of the time this name is our birth given name.

In my next two chapters I will be giving a list of names mainly for mtf (Male to female) and ftm (female to male) trans people but also for any of you out there who would like to change your name but aren't sure what fits you best.

I personally have chosen Alex. Please don't judge!

I decided to go with Alex because it is a gender-neutral, for those of you who may not be fully clear on this a gender-neutral name is a name that can work for both males and females. Alex in this case can be shortened from Alexandra for females generally, this isn't to say that males can't use this name as well, and for males it would be Alexander but again this is only generally speaking. Please remember that. Anybody can go by any name whether that be a male with a generally female name, a female with a generally male name or vice versa, it is okay!

My birth given name is not Alex but Alex is the name that l feel the most comfortable with being referred to as. My reason for this is that all of my most traumatic childhood events happened when I was known by my birth given name and to me going by Alex I feel more like myself, like I'm free to be me.

That's all for today, Alec out :3

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