Early Mornings

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Dumbledore killed them all.

I know he did.

He didn't have to kill James... Lily...and-


Oh poor poor Harry, he was only a baby! He never even had a chance to live his life!

Her grandson.

But of course, Dumbledore didn't really kill them. Not directly; not in a way I can prove. But with how obvious it seems, he might as well have shouted from the top of the astronomy tower for all to hear that he murdered them.

After all, how could the "greatest wizard of our time" fail to recognize that children aren't weapons? That the difference between 16 and 17 did not make you battle-ready and wise?

James and Lily are dead. Sirius is in Azkaban. Remus... well, he's lost his mind if he truly believes that Sirius is guilty. We're not exactly on speaking terms.

Anger flashed through my mind. 


Three adults are chatting around a babbling baby comfortably while sitting at a dining table in the early morning.

The messy dark-haired woman chatters inaudibly as she stands and says a quick goodbye to the couple, swift hugs being exchanged.

Morning turns to noon and noon turns to night, the couple stares concernedly out their front windows; a baby coos cluelessly in the mother's arms.

The woman lies in a bloody heap on a marble floor, her body seizing as a jet of red light hits her.

The woman and the man let out screams at the same time.

The mother frantically stands guard in a deceivingly calm nursery, the baby now silent in her arms.

A muttering from a pale figure.

A flash of green light-

A dark-haired woman shoots up in her bed, a scream strangled in her throat.

Frantic footfalls approach her door and the woman swiftly grabs and aims her wand as a blonde swings the door open. The blonde flinches at the sight, 

"It's just me! It's just me, now put that down!"

The woman blinks, "Emma? What's wrong? Is someone here?" She springs out of the bed, body shaking as adrenaline courses through her body quickly. 

Emma gives her a thinly veiled look of pity, "You were screaming in your sleep again... the war?" she questions, although they both know it's not really a question. This has happened more times than they can count.

Realization spawns in the woman's eyes and she sighs heavily and drops her arm. She hasn't had a good night's sleep since the war ended.

She merely nods.

"Hot cocoa with cinnamon?" Emma offers.

The woman shoots her a thankful smile, "Yeah, that sounds good."

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