Déjà vu

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Two days later our stuff arrived, and I grinned at the mere four boxes before me. Wizardly shipping at its finest!

"I'm so glad our stuff is here! Oh, thanks." Emma said, taking the plate of food that Mary Margaret offered her. I murmured a thank you when she passed me one as well, setting it on top of the box I was carrying upstairs. When I was out of sight I muttered a levitation charm, placing the box at the foot of the second bed I conjured when Mary Margaret was gone. 

Since she was a teacher she was gone for a good seven or eight hours Monday-Friday, so it gave me plenty of time to work some magic. I had expanded the room, made the beds larger, and placed many protective spells around the flat in a single afternoon. And when Emma commented about how the size change of the room was obvious, I placed a charm to make it appear the same as it had been to everyone except Emma and I. 

All in all, not too bad of a set up.

I made my way down the stairs just to see Mary Margaret eye the cardboard boxes confusedly. "So that is all your stuff?" Emma rose a brow, eyes flicking between our new roommate and the box that went deeper than the teacher knew. "What do you mean?"

"Is the rest in storage?"

"No, this is all of it." I said, joining them around the box Emma had opened and shooting her a smile. "Neither of us are very sentimental." She nodded, "Well, it must make things easier when you have to move." She said, accepting the answer. There was a knock at the door then, causing the three of us to share a look before Mary Margaret went to open the door.

"Ms. Blanchard, is Ms. Swan and Ms.Potter here?" I frown, Emma and I heading to the door and peering at the man curiously. "Hi, my name is Mr. Gold, we met briefly on your arrival." He greets, making us nod. "We remember." I answer for us, propping a hand on my hip. He nods, "Good, I have a proposition for you two, I need your help. I'm looking for someone."

My brows raise curiously as Emma responds, looking at Mary Margaret awkwardly. "Really? Um..." The teacher quickly gets the hint, "You know what? I am going to jump in the bath." She dismisses herself, scurrying away. 

"I have a photo." He says, passing me a photo of a pregnant blonde in his shop. I assume the photo was taken from a security camera. "Her name is Ashley Boyd and she's taken something quite valuable of mine." I look up at the man, my gaze calculating. "Why don't you just call the police?" He smiled at me patiently, though a touch of irritation was in his eyes. "Because uh... she's a confused young woman. She's pregnant, alone, and scared. I don't want to ruin this young girl's life, but I just want my property returned." He said, looking to Emma towards the end of his spiel. 

Emma crossed her arms, glancing at the photo in my hands. I watched her curiously, Why does she look like she knows who this is? "And what is it?" Mr.Gold smiles again, "Well one of the advantages of you two not being the police is discretion. Let's just say it's a precious object and leave it at that." Emma huffs out an amused breath. "When did you see her last?" "Last night. That's how I got this." He said, pulling his hair to the side to reveal a small gash. I frown, sharing a look with Emma, who looks almost guilty. 

"It's so unlike her. She was quite wound up, rambling on and on about changing her life. I have no idea what got into her. Ms. Swan, Ms. Potter, please just help me find her. My only other choice is the police, and I don't think anyone wants to see that baby born in jail, now do they?" I frown as Emma quickly shakes her head, "No, of course not."

"So you'll help me then?" He assumes making me clear my throat. "We'll help her." He gives me a terse smile. "Grand."

Suddenly the door opens and we all turn to see Henry rush in. "Hey Emma, Emry, I was thinking we..." He trails off upon seeing Mr.Gold, suddenly looking nervous. The older man smiles in what I'm sure he thinks is a welcoming way. "Hey Henry, how are you?" The boy shifts on his feet, making me narrow my eyes at Mr.Gold. "Okay." Henry mumbles in a borderline questioning tone. 

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