Having Roots

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I was sat down in the secret room within Emmas car, sitting criss crossed on my bed. Emma hadn't answered my calls, and it was starting to get dark, so I was doing a locator spell to find her. I pointed my wand at the blank page in front of me, muttering the charm and watching as a location wrote itself upon it. 

My eyes widened before the whole location was written out, and I climbed up to the drivers seat as quickly as I could. I called Emma again, being sent to voicemail for what I was sure was the fifteenth time in a row. "You've reached Emma Swan's voicemail, leave a message eat the beep."


"Swan, what the hell are you doing at the bloody hospital?! Hell woman, can you ever manage to keep yourself out of trouble? I'm heading there now, you better not be dying on me!"

I hung up and sped off towards the hospital, fighting to keep the panic at bay. It was almost like the war all over again: the unknown, the fear— I shook my head, gripping the wheel tightly. "I swear I'm never gonna be able to let her out of my sight again." I chuckled shakily. 

I got to the hospital in record time, running past the front desk in time to see a blonde woman dart ahead of me. I almost called out to her, thinking it was Emma, before she called a name I didn't know. "David! David, is that you?"

I watched her get stopped and argue with the doctor before I heard a familiar voice, making me snap my gaze to the woman. "Who's that?" I loosed a shuddering breath as I saw Emma next to Mary Margaret, running a hand through my hair frustratedly at the sight of her standing there just fine. 

I vaguely heard Regina tell Mary Margaret that that was the mans wife as I stormed up to Emma and pulled her a little away from the others. She snapped her gaze to mine, alarmed until she realized it was me, and her expression quickly turned apologetic. "Emry-"

"Shut up." I said simply, pulling her in tight. She hugged me back, whispering apologies that my frazzled brain could barely take in. I only nodded, releasing her after a moment. "Don't bloody do that to me again." I said sternly. "You know my history, I don't know what I'd do if I lost you too." I finished quietly. 

"Um, I-I don't understand." We both turned, thinking they were talking about us until we saw Mary Margaret furrow her brows at Kathryn, who was apparently Davids wife. "You didn't...you didn't know that he was here in a coma?" My brows shot up as we rejoined the group, you mean to tell me she had no idea that David was here?

"A few years ago, David and I weren't getting along. It was my fault, I know that now. I was difficult and unsupportive. I told him if he didn't like things, he could leave. And he did. And I didn't stop him. It was the worst mistake I ever made." Kathryn said, looking pained. I took a deep breath; that thought pattern was painfully familiar. 

Emma crossed her arms, "You didn't go look for him?"

Kathryns eyes watered as she shrugged pitifully, "I assumed he'd left town all this time. And now I know why I never heard from him. Now I get to do what I've wanted to do forever – say I'm sorry. Now we get a second chance." She said, tears flowing freely. 

"...That's wonderful." Mary Margaret breathed as Doctor Whale came over. 

"Well, it's something of a miracle."

"He's okay?" Kathryn said, stepping closer. 

"Ah, physically, he's on the mend, um, his memory is another issue. It may take time, if at all." 

Mary Margaret frowned, "What brought him back?" The doctor sighed, "That's the thing. There's no explanation. Something just... clicked in him."

I scoffed, "He just got up and decided to go for a stroll?" He shook his head, looking frustrated. "He woke up and he was delirious and his first instinct was to go find something, I guess."

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