Conversations and Contemplations

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I awoke to a slight jolting feeling. Sitting upright quickly, I snagged my wand and rushed to the ladder at the front of the room.  Feeling another jolt, I cast a hasty glance at Emma before resolutely climbing up the ladder. Nearing the top, I peered over the edge towards the back left window and saw a man waking away. 

Frowning, I climbed into the seat and waited for the man to get in his truck and leave before hopping out of the car myself. I groaned at the yellow boot on the car, kicking it once in frustration before spinning around and running a harsh hand through my hair. I just knew that this was Madame Bitch's fault, and it killed me that I couldn't rub it in her face that I could simply use magic to take it off. Don't get me wrong, I was going to use magic to take it off and rub it in her face that we could still use the car. But honestly, what a bitch.

I nearly dropped my wand when I heard a chuckle behind me. I hastily shoved it up my sleeve and spun around in anger at the taunting sound. 

"My my, Miss Potter, however did this happen?"

It was Mr.Gold. 

I internally groaned, not wanting to deal with the man whose presence felt like a dementor; much less in my pajamas. 

"Good bloody morning to you too Mr.Gold," I grumbled, folding my arms to my chest against the chill. "And I'm not sure why this happened, but I'm certain of who did it."

"I'm sure you are... tell me dearie, why are you out here in your pajamas?"

I contemplating hexing the man and obliviating him, but I remembered the veil of magic hanging over him. Whatever it was that was hanging around him wasn't able to touch him, and I wasn't taking any chances.

I forced a chuckle, "Believe it or not, me and Emma slept in here last night." I said, patting the side of the car. 

"Oh really? And where is Miss Swan?"

A tense smile formed on my face as I got the feeling that Mr.Gold knew something was up.

"She's just headed out actually, went to see if she could find a convenience store with an easy change of clothes."

"Is that right?"

"It is," I narrowed my eyes, "What's it to you?"

"Oh, nothing," he chuckled, "Just the curious type."

"Right... well, I've got to go meet Emma so..."

"Of course of course, have a good day Miss Potter and, uh, say hello to Miss Swan for me."

I nodded and he walked in the direction of the clock tower that I could see in the distance. Eyeing the time I frowned, what was he doing out and about at 6:30? 'Being nosy, that's what.'

Letting loose an irritated sigh, I took one last look around before climbing back into the car and back to Emma.

As I walked to the kitchen I heard Emma hop out of bed. "Morning," She murmured, "Was that Mary Margaret?" I gave her a weird look. " Why? Were you expecting her or something?"

She shook her head, "No, I just spoke to her last night."

I paused, staring wide eyed as she opened the cabinets and let out a pleased hum when she found the coffee. "What do you mean? You... You let her down here?" Emma's 'oh' expression increased my panic before she gave a breathy laugh. "Oh, no no, I didn't bring her down here. I had went up to sit in the driver seat last night and she walked past me. Apparently she was out on a date that didn't go so well."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh thank goodness," I put a hand to my chest as the panic decreased. "Nearly gave me a heart attack... So what went wrong? Why wasn't it a good date?"

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