Let Me Take Care of You

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Riley's pov

After the whole thing with Hades, I still have pain in my back which hurts so BAD and I did heal Mal with my magic which she really needed it more than me since my wing will take longer to heal and Jay had to carry me to my starter castle since Wyatt helped Ben get Mal to the castle so she could rest so that meant Jay took me has Winnie helped me when we got to our starter castle once Jay left after he put me in my and Wyatt's room as Winnie stay in the room with me but after a while, I told her to go sleep and that I'll be fine which she didn't want to at first but  she sadly agreed and went to sleep in her new room

I'm now sitting on the bed as Sunny is with Winnie because they now have a bond with each other which is fine, I also changed into something more comfortable which happens to be Wyatt's sweatshirt with shorts because why not 

Then I heard the bedroom door open I turn to see Wyatt holding a bowl in his hand, he walks over to the bed and sits on the bed with the bowl now in  his lap

"Hey princess how are you feeling?" Wyatt said 

"Ok but still hurts" I said 

"Can you lift your sweatshirt please" he said 

I got confused at first but I lift the back of the sweatshirt revealing my bare back to him then felt something cold touch my back where I felt the pain the most so that made me whine

"Sorry princess" he said 

"It's fine but what are you putting on my back?" I asked

"It's something that we wolves use to help us with our injuries so I thought it would help you with your pain and  since you healed my burn I wanted to do something to heal you too" he said softly 

I smile and soon I didn't feel any pain in my back which is great then my wings came out and we see that my wing is still torn but I don't feel any pain anymore which is good 

"Feel better princess?" he asked 

"Yeah but my torn right wing will take a while to fix itself but thank you wolfie" I said and kissed his cheek

"It's nothing princess but now you get some rest ok" he said with a smile

I nod and get in bed, cuddled with Wyatt who I made him come lay with me because he was about to go eat the sweets the day before that are for Winnie as a welcome to her new home. I made him stay, and soon after a small peck goodnight and fell asleep

Hi everyone sorry for the long wait I have been busy with college work but I'll try to keep writing this story but please understand that some chapters will come late so yeah. 

Hope you liked this chapter and bye people! <3

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