Auradon Sleep Spell

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Third pov

-At Auradon-

Ben was in his Isle of the lost outfit as he was talking on the phone

"No, no, I want Auradon guard handing out gas masks. Well, not everyone's asleep!"

Ben looked at one of the royal butlers who was by the doorway

"Find out if anyone's seen Audrey. And find if she has a list of demands" he tells the butler who soon nods and walks away

Ben sits down looking stressed when suddenly Audrey appears behind him and says

"Just one" which made Ben jump out of his chair and look at her

"I demand my life back. I have a proposition. I'll wake everybody up right now. Under one... itty bitty condition, Benny Boo. Make me your queen and we'll rule side by side." Audrey said with a smile and placed her hand on his cheek

Ben looks at her as he removes her hand from his face

"Did someone put a spell on you? You just tell me who, and I'll--" Ben started but was cut off

"You'll what? Marry them?" Audrey said with an annoyed/sad tone then she chuckled which caused Ben to back away from her

"Most people get dumped because they aren't good enough" she said as she walked away from him a bit

Then Audrey turned back to look at Ben

"I wasn't bad enough. How do you like me now, Benny Boo" she said as she did a twirl with a chuckled

"I like the old Audrey better. She wouldn't wanna to hurt Auradon. Just... give me the scepter and I'll forgive you" Ben said

Audrey looked at Ben angry at what he just said

"You'll forgive me? I don't think so. Sleeping is too good for you!" Audrey said with an angry tone as soon as she hits Ben with a blast and a roar was heard after Ben was hit

Audrey looks out the door that shows the outside

"Sleeping is too good for Auradon" she said as she casted the spell causing some people to be turned into stone

Evan's pov

-Back on the Isle-

We all walked to the barrier after me, Mal, and Celia got Hades ember

"Alright. Get in, get out" Mal said

"Jay, you good?" Wyatt asked looking at Jay

"Yeah" Jay said

We stopped in front of the barrier and Jay hits the button opening the barrier as we walked through it

Once we walked through, Mal's hair flashed blue which surprised me a bit because I wasn't expecting that to happen

"Whoa, you got a little Hades thing going" Evie said

"Wow. That thing packs a punch, huh?" Carlos said to Mal

Then the barrier started to close when all of sudden we heard someone jump through it so we all turned around and, saw Harry and Gil had jumped through.

"Ha. We made it, bro" Gil said to Harry

"We made it" Harry said with a smirk

Then Hook turned to us

"Hey, guys we just came for a... wee visit" Harry said with a grin on his face

They tried to walk away but Carlos and Jay pushed them back. They push Carlos and Jay back causing me and Wyatt to walk up to them as Wy's eyes flash crimson red as he growls at them, as for my eyes flash black/grey as a black tendril starts to become my arm.

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