The Decision/Audrey's Evil

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Third pov

Mal, Ben, Fairy Godmother, Adam, and Belle are in a room together talking about what happened yesterday

"I think we all know why we're here" Adam said looking at his son

As Ben looked a bit confused at his dad

"The people are in a panic about Hades. He almost got out and injured Riley's wing" Adam continued

"Who knows what he would've done if he had escaped" Fairy Godmother said

"We can't risk having another villain on the loose" Adam said

"I really feel like this is my fault, like Riley getting hurt by him. I'm supposed to protect Auradon" Mal said as she looks down at the ground

"You did and Riley wanted to help because that's how she is. You do protect Auradon" Ben said to her

"Every time we open the barrier, we're exposed to danger. Maleficent, Uma, Hades" Adam said

Then Ben's phone started to ring so he answers it then looks at his parents

"Maleficent's scepter and the queen's crown have been stolen" Ben said

Fairy Godmother gasps

"Uma" Adam said

"We don't know that, Dad" Ben said

"When the people hear this, they will never wanna to leave their houses. What do we tell them?" Belle said thens looks at Mal

"Mal... what do we do? How do we keep evil off Auradon?" Belle asked Mal

"I think that there's only... one way to guarantee their safety. And I think that there.. can't be any more going in and out. I think that we have to close the barrier... forever" Mal said

Everyone nods their head in agreement

"No" Ben said looking upset

"Son" Adam said

Ben and steps away a bit feeling upset about the situation

"Ben" Mal said and follows him

"No, no, no" Ben said

Mal stops him

"Hey, I do not want to take away your dream, because it was so beautiful, and it is why I feel in love with you. But as king and as queen, what's our duty" Mal said to Ben

"To protect Auradon. But you know what this would mean? All those kids. are you prepared for that?" Ben said

"I know what it means. And no I'm not prepared for it. I just think that we have no other choice" Mal said

Adam walks up to his son

"Son. Mal's right" Adam said

"I just don't think that we would forgive ourselves if something terrible happened" Mal said

-At Evie's 4 Hearts-

Mal is now talking to Evie about the discussion

"Who else knows about the crown and the scepter?" Evie asked

"No one. I mean, think about it, people are scared enough as it is. We have to employ these entirely new security measures" Mal said

"Will this delay our bringing over more VKs?" Evie asked

"We're talking about closing the barrier for good" Mal said

"But you said no. I mean, the five of us are living the dream here, and we finally get to share that. I mean, what could be more important than that?" Evie said

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