Back to the Isle Once Again

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Evan's pov

We arrived at the Isle and it was just like Riley said it's so terrible that our friends lived like this but I shook it off as we parked our bikes after getting off my bike and I saw Mal take off her helmet and I saw her back to herself

"Hey! I'm me again" Mal said happily

"Duh! Evil magic doesn't work here. Kind of the point" Celia said and walked off as we followed her

We get to Ceila's dad's place and she knocks on the door in a musical way then the door knocks back to her and she knocks on it again in a fun way then the door opens and we go inside

Once inside I see Celia and Dr. Facilier her father doing a dance together and I smiled seeing the amazing bond that they have and I look around the place because it's a cool place to be in

Then I heard Carlos calling us from afar

"Uh, guys? Come look at this" Carlos call out

We all walk to him and sees the TV that's showing Auradon

"There are rumors that Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Audrey is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies and which villain has perpetrated this evil. We have an update. It's what? It's moving this way?" the reporter said

Oh no I hope that my little sister, brother, and the others are ok and they didn't get spelled by Audrey with the sleep spell, we walked outside

"Whoa, rookie mistake?" Carlos says to Jay

We see Harry and Nicolai on our bikes along with some other VK kids

"Long time nae see!" Harry said with a smirk

"Get off my bike, Hook!" Wyatt growled

"Hmm no. Catch us if you can!" Harry said still smirking

I feel my eyes flash black/grey and my necklace starts to glow as I growl a bit at the pirates for being on our bikes

"Over the roofs!" Jay said

"Cut' em off" Wyatt added

Then Jay, Evie, Wyatt and Carlos took off running on the roofs to catch the pirates and hopefully get our bikes back to but I stayed back with Mal and Celia then following the others

Celia tries to run behind after the others which made me and Mal stop her

"Hey, hey, hey, not you" Mal said

"They got this" I said

"You and me gotta go find the ember. And Evan you didn't follow them?" Mal asked

"Because I think you need more help than them since like I said they can handle them it" I said

"Thanks, Ev" Mal said with a small smile

I smile back and Celia looks at us

"Good timing, it's right about his nap time" Celia said

And we started to walk away from there then we made it to the entrance of Hades places me and Mal see the beware of dog sign and of course there was not a three-headed dog with Hades so there's nothing to be scared of really

"Hey" Mal said

We turned to look at her

"How big is that dog?" Mal asked

Me and Celia look at each other then at the sign and back at Mal also I have a feeling that there's no dog its just to scare off people so I decided to not say anything about it to Mal

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