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  "You're telling me that you've had the audacity to choose a side?" Taehyun scoffed, jaw dropping as the air flew from his lungs. He could feel the words flying through his head, yet he was unable to grasp any of them.

  "It is obvious that our allegiance would lie with the West. After the mistake that was made, we must offer reparations," the king explained, legs crossed comfortably as he read his book, not concerned with his son and whatever he was going to say.

  "You would send your own child to death for the sake of reparations?" Taehyun asked, his voice growing weak as he watched his father who had no cares about anything that was about to transpire.

  "She has chosen to side with the enemy. She has sent herself to her own death," the king attempted to reason, looking at his son for the first time.

  "She has done nothing but follow your careless instructions!" Taehyun yelled, stepping closer to his fathers throne. "You are the one who carelessly agreed to marry her to the wrong family and you are the one who has not attempted to right your wrong! Who knows what she has been facing in this foreign land?! And the pressure of becoming Queen when she was not prepared for it?! All of this is your doing!" Taehyun's voice bounced from wall to wall, piercing even his own ears.

  "Taehyun, you are not thinking rationally," the king began, finally putting his book down, sure to keep his page marked.

  "It is you who lacks rationality! Any ounce of intelligence seems to have slipped from your mind!" Taehyun yelled, stepping closer to the throne to challenge his father.

  "I am doing this for the sake of the people," the king told him, his voice calm.

  "You truly think that the people wish to be sent to a war that is not theirs to fight?" Taehyun scoffed, now standing nearly touching his father as his father sat in his throne. "If you are doing this for the sake of the people, you would March into war in stead of the people instead of lazing in your throne like a-"

  Taehyuns head was flung to the side as his father struck his face with all of his might, even choosing to stand. The sound echoed off the walls as Taehyun stumbled back, losing his balance on the stairs, falling and nearly landing on his head.

  "You will someday learn what it means to be the king," his father growled, standing regally at the top of the stairs, glaring at his son.

  Taehyun barred his teeth and clenched his fists, ready to behead his father in that moment. Instead he made the most rash decision he could have chosen to make.

  "No. I will not," he breathed, standing up, looking up to his father in a face off. After only a brief moment, he turned on his heels and began to walk out of his fathers throne room.

  "And where do you suppose you are going?" The king asked, glaring at his son so intensely that Taehyun could feel his fathers intense gaze.

  "If you should choose to ally with the West, I shall choose to ally with the East. We will see who knows better," Taehyun challenged without looking back at his father.

  "If you leave this kingdom, you shall lose all rights as heir of the throne and as my son!" The king roared at his son, fearing for the future of his bloodline.

  Taehyun stopped at the door with one hand pressed against the carved wood. He took a deep and shaky breath, turning to his father one last time and with all the volume he could muster, he muttered the last sentence he would ever say to his father.

  "You are no father of mine."


  The guard around the village had been increased and the villages that surrounded the castle were told to abandon their homes and make for the castle. He had decided that once war should break loose, all of the elderly, women, and children would be stowed away in the castle dungeons, the safest place for them. He sent word to every village in the Eastern Kingdom, ensuring them that he would do everything within his power to make sure that they were safe. He had gained some of his mind again. He felt like he was back to the way he always was, although he was anxious and still quiet. The nerves built in his stomach and every day that passed was another day that he forced himself to eat, worried that they would be ambushed in the night.

  Some nearby villages would be arriving after a few days, having walked on foot with few horses to carry needed supplies. It was the Queens job to greet them and welcome them into the castle. Starting then, everyone would reside in the castle during the night, save some guards who would watch for the troops of the West.

  The King was training the men, ensuring that he imparted every ounce of wisdom he could, including tips he had learned during his own training. He was giving away every method that gave him the authority to train these men, but he refused to allow people to die to maintain some silly royal method.

  The Queen stood at the gates, awaiting the guests. She could hear the voices grow closer to the open gates and her posture stiffened, a welcoming smile forced onto her face.

  The people entered and she gave the spiel that she had prepared the night before, talking about how the King wishes to keep his people safe and for that reason, all who are able shall be trained in the barracks with the king and other men of the city, and the women and those unable to fight are going to be living in the dungeons. Whilst saying that sounded like a threat, the people of the village seemed to take it the right way, and for that, the princess let out a sigh of relief. A castle staff ushered the people in, welcoming them to their new living space.

  She gestured for the knights to close the gates and began to walk into the castle, ready to be a hostess for a hundred people.

  "Wait!" Someone shouted as the gates were nearly closed. The Queen whipped around to face whoever was at the gate. They dismounted their horse and squeezed into the gates, thanking the men who waited to close them for him.

  "Taehyun," the Queen breathed, observing her brother. Immediately, she tensed up and stepped away from her brother, remembering that the North chose to side with the West.

  "Relax, my sister. I mean no harm," he told her, stopping his advance. The guards who had closed the gate readied their weapons and looked to the Queen for confirmation. She simply shook her head and the guards relaxed, keeping a watchful eye on the new visitor.

  "Why are you here," she asked quietly once her brother was near her.

  "I'm afraid our father has gone mad with tyranny. I am sure you have heard of his choice to join the West in the war that moves your way," Taehyun explained, his voice as low as his sisters.

  "Of course. The choice was to be expected," the Queen nodded, still not fully understanding what Taehyun was getting at.

  Taehyun was flabbergasted at his sisters nonchalant reaction. He looked at his sister with his mouth agape and without a word, he pulled her into a hug.

  "Taehyun, are you alright?" She asked, gingerly hugging him back.

  "I am so sorry (Y/N)." His apology was abrupt. She didn't fully understand why he was apologizing. "No matter who waged war against you, from now on, I will be by your side," he told her, holding her tightly.

  "Def-Idelis," Soobin called from behind the pair. Causing the Queen to freeze as though she'd been caught doing something wrong. She shrugged Taehyuns arms away from her, turning to face her husband. "May I ask who you are?" Soobin asked, wearily eying the stranger. His hand rest on his sword, ready to draw it at a moments notice. He already seemed fatigued, his hair sticking to his sweaty forehead. Though his exhaustion showed through the bags under his eyes, he seemed rejuvenated, ready to protect his wife.

  "I am Prince Taehyun of the Northern Kingdom," Taehyun introduced, bowing his head, although he wasn't sure if he could even continue to use that title after essentially disowning his father.

  Soobin was quick to unsheathe his sword, marching up to the intruder from the kingdom who had waged war against his own.

  The Queen was swift to step in front of her brother and even the mere sight of his beloved was enough to remind Soobin who the intruder actually was to her. He was more than an intruder. He was her brother. Family. He allowed his sword to be pressed into its sheath and he took a deep breath.

  "I apologize for my hasty response. Please understand why the mention of your Kingdom would make me apprehensive," Soobin apologized, bowing to Taehyun.

  "Of course. I assure you I wish for nothing to do with my old home. My introduction is nothing but mere habit. I do not wish to harm you, nor your citizens. Quite the opposite," Taehyun explained, sure to bow back to Soobin as a sign of respect to the king.

  "I am sure you are famished after your long journey. Please, come inside so we may discuss this over a cup of tea and a meal."

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