xiii. adventures in veganism

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real lifeoctober 7, 2022

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real life
october 7, 2022

WHEN JOY LOOKED AROUND the small plaza where 'lola's local feed' was located, she had no idea what she was looking at. it was a plethora of many different businesses; bars, restaurants, a local grocery market (probably where lola gets her food), and an office depot. joy had no idea why an office depot would be put in a plaza like this, however judging by the random theme of said plaza, it makes sense.

matt had texted her a few hours ago asking to go meet up at lola's. he said that the two of them should start going to each of the restaurants soon. joy agreed, trying to save matt's suffering from this whole ordeal. she could understand why he was getting a little tired of the shenanigans. after all, they have been to so many places; so many places without panera girl.

she was still feeling a little bittersweet after yesterday's events. but today, she decided to push it all down for the 'mission.' joy took a deep breath as she opened the doors to the restaurant.

joy saw matt sitting down at a table already and decided to sit across from him. she placed her bag down and tried to make eye contact with the boy, but failed. maybe she didn't push down the feelings hard enough. underneath the table, she fidgeted with her hands.

"you think she's here?" joy asked matt whilst still fidgeting.

matt looked around the small restaurant. for such a huge shopping center, lola's local feed was quite small in comparison. "i mean, she should be. unless we missed her, again."

joy sighed. they had about five more restaurants to visit after this one. all that gas money, she thought. "this place is pretty small. kinda hard to miss her," joy replied blandly. joy didn't notice how emotionless her tone sounded, but matt did. matt always noticed. even if he didn't intend to, he noticed.

he sat up a little straighter at her tone, "what about we stay here for ten more minutes? that way, if panera girl doesn't show up we can just head to the next place!"

WITH JOY ✰ matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now