xv. begin again

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real lifeoctober 11, 2022

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real life
october 11, 2022

THREE MINUTES LEFT ON THE CLOCK. THE SCORE WAS TIED. joy had five minutes to win this. as captain of the soccer team, and with it being the last match before state, joy needed to make sure that they won this. all that hard work would not be for nothing. she would make sure of it.

sweat dripped down her forehead. even though it was around forty degrees, joy felt hot and stuffy. maybe it was the stress from the game; the score was tied and time was running out. or maybe it was the intense adrenaline rush she was getting from this.

joy had been non-stop moving. she had been subbed only once because she needed a quick water break. shortly after, she was subbed back in again. joy had been playing nearly the entire game. she was so determined to win, she wouldn't stop. she had too many people to let down. there was no way she was going to lose.

as a center midfielder, joy was everywhere at all times. she had to be there to help her teammates. sometimes, she needed to shoot the goals and play offense. other times, she needed to defend her teammates. she was the glue. and no glue was going to come apart at time like this.

joy could hear the crowd cheer. she heard the claps and the shouts and all the noise. it was so loud. too loud. too distracting. but she couldn't let all these people down. this had been the most attraction a girl's soccer game ever had. joy's breaths were getting shakier and she sounded like she was winded. but that wasn't going to stop her.

everyone had gotten into their positions. there were five minutes on the clock. joy put her hands on her knees to quickly catch her breath before they started. she ignored the headache that was about to slip it's way in and focused on the game. nothing was going to stop her from winning tonight.

WITH JOY ✰ matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now