↳ with jill

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real life
september 10, 2022.

JILL PHAM HAD NO idea why her sister told her to stay with her friend tonight. she would've been perfectly fine on her own, much to her older sister's dismay. joy practically jumped at the idea of jill being on her own, because god knows what will happen when jill is along. now, she was stuck at her friend summer's house - who she didn't really like that much - but she couldn't really stay with anyone else.

"we should do this dance! it looks suuuuper easy i swear!" summer exclaimed.

jill wasn't really in the mood to do dances. she just wanted to go back home and sleep. jill honestly didn't see the problem with her staying alone by herself until 2 a.m. and jill doesn't understand why joy gets to come home at 12 in the morning, however it's horrible when jill doesn't get home at 9 p.m.

i mean, i'm fourteen, what's the worse thing that will happen to me anyway? jill did not understand at all.

"i dunno," jill rubbed her temples, "i'm a little tired." she made herself more comfortable on summer's carpet floor.

"c'mon! it'll be sooo easy and quick i promise."

jill sighed. she was never the best dancer, and she never looked at tiktok dances in general to be good at them. she was not in the mood to publicly embarrass herself in front of summer's one-thousand tik-tok followers. she was not in the mood to be here at all. she shifted back into the floor.

"summer, i literally look so fucking stupid when i do dances," jill groaned.

"you literally don't. pleaaase, jill. i'll make it friends only," as if summer didn't follow everyone back.

knowing that summer would not shut up about this until jill said yes, the girl got up and agreed, "fine. i'll do it."

"YAY!" summer exclaimed and then suddenly threw her arms around the girl. jill didn't really know how to react, so she settled for an awkward wrap-around summer's shoulders until she let go.

"how do you do it?" jill tiredly asked.

summer, as flamboyant as ever, replied, "let me show you! have you heard of the sturniolo triplets? they have a video of it."

jill's eyes widened. she has met a sturniolo triplet before. well, her sister has. but she was partially there, so same thing? she's heard of the sturniolos, god, everyone has. most known triplets on earth. and joy has met one of them. did they hit it off? are they friends?

actually, knowing her sister, she would blow them off. joy, unconventional as ever, would probably see them and never speak a word to them again. she would probably not know who they are.

"they do dances?" jill questioned.

"sometimes. i like this tiktok though because matt looks extra fine in it," summer smirked.

jill playfully rolled her eyes at summer's antics. though she wasn't the largest fan of the girl, she wasn't going to be rude.

the tiktok played as matt put the phone down while you could see chris in the back. the "dance" that summer said they were doing was not a dance. more like a shimmy.

"are you sure this is the dance?" joy skeptically asked.

"oh, it's not," summer replied, though mesmerized. "i just wanted to watch this tiktok again," the girl giggled.

jill thought about what would joy think about this. what would joy say? what would joy do? jill was lost in thought while summer filled the silent room with tiktok videos.

"you know," jill started, "my sister met one of them once."


"the sturniolo triplets. i think it was matt, but they all look the same," jill internally cringed at what she said. was she really using her sister to appeal to her friend?

"well duuuh," summer snickered, "they're triplets."


"that's so cool that joy met one of them though!" summer's eyes lit up. "she's literally so cool. she's so pretty; like i literally look at her instagram once a week." jill tried not to be creeped out with the sentence. she didn't know if summer was joking or not.

summer lit up again, "what if we looked at joy's followers! what if matt's following joy? hooooly shit that's like one of those celebrity tie things! JILL, your sister could practically be a celebrity!!"

jill was suddenly uncomfortable with the thought of her sister.

"holy shit, this is INSANE," summer continued her search. when she reached joy's (perfectly aesthetic) instagram profile, summer looked captivated. as she searched up matt's username in joy's following, jill got uneasy. what if, somehow, joy and matt were actually friends? and then jill would be left out of the loop, again.

"OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD!!!" summer suddenly exclaimed. it was a loud shriek of excitement mixed with shock.


jill's eyes immediately widened. her eyebrows shot up and she rushed over to summer's phone.

"no fucking way," jill's tone was a little annoyed. when jill saw the screen, she saw that it was true. there was no faking that.

what the actual fuck.

"bro, joy is literally so cool. like she has all these colleges practically lined up for her - and she literally has MATT STURNIOLO following her. and she's literally drop dead gorgeous," summer practically sounded infatuated with her. jill was getting a little more frustrated now.

summer quickly added, "and don't get me wrong, you're pretty too, jill. but joy is literally GORGEOUS. god, to look like her would be a dream."

and that was what ruined jill's mood the entire night. oh how she loved to hear about her precious sister. she didn't even know why she brought joy up in the first place. and matt following joy? after they met once? what went on after she left? why was she always left out of the loop?

"yeah. can we, like, go back to doing the tiktok dance now?" jill uneasily asked.

"yeah! hold on i just gotta look at joy's highlights real quick," summer didn't even turn to jill. just continuously stared at joy.

and jill knows it's her fault. she brought her up. she wanted to share a fun fact to lighten the mood. to get rid of the sinking feeling of joy. but instead, it got worse. and jill was feeling even more miserable tonight. with or without joy.

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