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“It’s Lisa who asked to switch seats…” Shuhua refused to give up.

“Drawing lots is the most ‘fair’ method.” Jaehyun’s expression was stony. “If everyone insists they don’t want their allocated seats, what’s the point of drawing lots? Scram back to your seat!”

Shuhua returned to her own desk with a humiliated expression. She glared harshly at Lisa. She was certain that the damned woman knew that Brother Jae hated breaking the rules and had intentionally tricked her into embarrassing herself!

Lisa knew that Shuhua had feelings for Jaehyun. She had created an opportunity for her with good intentions.

To think that Shuhua was not grateful. She even shot a hateful look at her, that damned woman.

Since this sort of person treated good intentions like trash, she would grant her the wish.

Thus, Lisa headed for the empty seat next to Jaehyun.

The young employee saw this and rushed to place the large bouquet on the desk. He did not wait for Lisa to sign his receipt and immediately ran out of the classroom.

“Hey…” By the time Lisa tried to call him back, he was a significant distance away.

She stared at the large bouquet. It was bigger than a bomb and it occupied the entirety of her table. She felt slightly upset.

The entire classroom was filled with the scent of fresh roses.

Indeed, a large bouquet like this was rather expensive. Most people would not be able to afford this.

In her past life, after she was married, she did not receive flowers even once.

During those ten years with Jungkook, the man who did not possess a single romantic cell, did not buy her any flowers.

Every girl had a soft spot for flowers. They were a romantic gift.

Unfortunately, she was afraid that Jungkook would be unhappy and did not dare to accept the flowers. She guessed that she would have to toss these into the trash bin.

She asked Jaehyun coldly. “Are these flowers from you?”

“Hmph.” Jaehyun’s lips curved slightly but he did not respond directly.

Lisa sat down by his side and suppressed her voice to say, “Is there a point in arranging our desks to be side by side?”

“Tsk, who would want to share a desk with an ugly woman like you?” Jaehyun shot her a look of disdain. “I’m sitting with you because I’m unlucky.”

As if Lisa would believe him.

In fact, she wasn’t supposed to be late for class today. However, on the way here she encountered a girl kneeling on the ground. She had been clutching her stomach with a pale complexion, claiming that her stomach was unwell. She had begged Lisa to send her to the infirmary.

The girl was from Year 2, Class 1. As they were of the same age, and out of kindness from her heart, Lisa decided to be a good samaritan and help her.

Due to this delay, she became the last person to come into the classroom.

Now that she recalled this matter, she felt that the girl had been intentionally arranged by Jaehyun to force her to pick the last chit.

All Jaehyun had to do was to hold back the chit for his desk mate. When everyone was done picking the lots, he could then toss the final lot into the glass bottle and successfully force her into becoming his deskmate.

She was certain that when everyone had stirred up a commotion on their way to picking their lots, no one had noticed this small detail.

It had been too simple for Jaehyun to carry out his scheme.

Lisa pursed her lips. “If you find the situation to be unlucky, why don’t you sit with Shuhua?”

“That bitch clearly has feelings for this young master. Rather than letting her cling onto me,” Jaehyun glanced at her coldly and pused. “I would rather endure your ugly appearance.”

“Must your lips be this stinky?” She was angered beyond measure.

Jaehyun leaned close to her ear to whisper. “How about you check personally to see if my lips stink?”

He was someone who brushed his teeth twice daily. His teeth were sparkling white. As the school’s idol, it was only natural that his mouth was especially fragrant!

Lisa could not be bothered to respond to him.

Mark stepped into the classroom in a charming blue dress shirt and suit pants at that moment. His gemstone-like blue eyes scanned through the classroom and finally paused on the bouquet of roses placed on Lisa’s desk.

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