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We have been living throughout our lives by the compel of following ideas, opinions and facts from the right or left wing; insofar, we are enforced to pick a wing; and we can truly devote to only one. If we differ the entire beliefs of the wing we devoted to, we are deemed as deviants.

The case to adhere on one direction; can only bring biasness and limitations to our thinking and vision of the world; removal of the different interpretations and arts of the world; and restrictions to the freedom of our lives. Merely, It only instils stupidity in a being.

What is the purpose of our lives if we are restricted by the rules which were purely made by another being?

Isn't it more logical that we follow our own rules and thinking, knowing the fact that it's our own lives and bodies?

We, are the ones who should decide on whatever we wish to devote to, believe on, and to follow; without bearing the guilt and being labeled as deviants.

It's at our discretion to devote to a group and its rules that can be morally wrong to the eyes of others; but faithfully right to us- that's what truly matters.

It's at our discretion on which opinions and facts we believe are right or wrong. Ultimately, it's also at our discretion to partially follow both rules of the left and right wing.

Nobody has the right to oppose the virtues, values and beliefs we stand upon; and we shall not be cowed to express them explicitly.

The idealogy of which we set our own rules is the idea I've founded and practiced; in which I named it ''Middleism'.

The word "Middle" is not to potray neutrality but it is to represent ourselves. As we are the receivers - the center point of our surroundings. Only through us, through the middle; regardless of visuals, texts, vocals of any kind can only be deemed as right or wrong- acceptable or not.

Readers may scoff and mock this idea and thinking as despicable or delusional; however, in the way of Middleism, you have the rights to do so. It's at your discretion to agree or disagree upon Middleism. In truth, to state, inadvertently you are exercising the ways of Middleism- the ways of following your own rules. In a way to state, you are one of us now.

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