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how can such a bond spark from a conversation about plants?
two people be so different, yet so alike?
she was exciting, talkative, but most importantly, loveable.
and to be honest, blossom never knew that.
nights, weeks, months go by.
the other girl, grew up too fast.
she loved company, so when this girl just came out of nowhere, she hung onto her like no tomorrow.
they would talk about there childhood, what they didn't deserve, boys, listening to music.
months go by, they didn't hear from each-other all of the time.
they missed each other.
so they talked, and talked and talked.
she never realised how bad it was for her growing up.
from both failures became this understood friendship.
blossom deserved more.
the other girl used to be more self-indulgent.
blossom taught her a lot.
yet so did she.
the bond between two misunderstood teenage girls is special.
if they was to ever grow apart for no reason one can't understand, I hope you get everything you deserve, and more.
I hope you have a lovely house, decorated to your hearts desire.
I hope Bobby and Adam stay with you forever.
I hope you heal the inner child that desperately needs it, and please keep up the hairdressing, or whatever makes you happiest.
I hope you find someone really nice.
someone who will take care of you, treat you like what you should of had a long time ago.
I hope you have a lovely garden with wild flowers that you pick for the vase.
i hope you never lose that accent that I used to laugh at.
I hope you look after yourself, treat yourself better than before, but most importantly I hope you never leave.
thank you for being my hero, my first real love.

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