i just dont get it.

18 3 0

nothing to say yet so much to tell.
nothing will ever be the same to this moment right now.
in a world of fear and cruel beings, we grow and sprout into flowers of spring.
don't pick up the phone, your on the floor.
id be a tulip, your my pale lily.
nothing will ever amount to anything anymore.
leaving our hometowns, with nothing but a blue eye shadow and a dream.
love, loving hurts.
I know I'm young but I understand, I really do.
you wont get it, but I really really understand.
like why benches sit crooked, but beautifully, or why fields are just perfectly chaotic.
the long drives were my home, nowhere to go with everything to lose.
you would never understand the beauty of hip dips or why I hold onto every birthday card written for me.
call it hopeless dreaming,
or fake believing.
least I have something to hold in my hands with flames of desire and undoubted forbidden love.
so we'll die one day,
we'll say our last words, and oh what beautiful words they will be.
I'll say them for everyone who attended the rendezvous, and everyone who understands me, and my writing.

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