Most Precious of them All

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Shaira's heart raced as soon as she heard the answer. Even her brain reminded her that her gift does not even stand in the line of the admirers for Dexton but her conscience still wanted to at least give it a try. Shaira was torn between the two. The allegations from her heart and the orders from her brain have created a hurricane of uncertainty for her. She sighed.

Upon entering, she saw Dexton busy with his work. She thought he would not have even realized her presence. Her hands held the box behind her more tightly. As soon as she got close to the massive table, Dexton's whole concentration went to Shaira. He put his pen back and crossed his fingers on the table making him much more intimidating. "Is everything good at school, Ira?" he asked to which Shaira nodded.

She walked around the table and stood close to Dexton's chair. When Dexton raises an eyebrow in question. She sighed and put the box in front of him. Dexton eyes slightly widened when he saw a small box in front of him. The box itself was black with gold detailing. A ribbon was nicely wrapped around it which made it much more attractive.

"I know this is probably the cheapest gift you could ever get in your entire life-Don't open it now!" Shaira put both of her hands on the gift stopping Dexton to open it. She panicked and put her hand away. "I mean- You can open it but just not now, not in front of me." Shaira said embarrassed. Dexton could not help but chuckle at her antics making Shaira's eyes widen. He still opened the box despite Shaira saying no to him.

"They are beautiful, Ira" Dexton said as he saw a pair of cufflinks inside the box. Maybe the gift would be cheap for him, but Shaira knew that shop, from where she bought it turned out to be very much expensive for her. Her five-month salary was invested in such a small gift.

" They better be." Shaira thought

"I am glad you-" Shaira sneezed "-liked it." The weather was cold, so Shaira did catch a cold after walking back home but she was genuinely happy that Dexton liked it.

"I think I should go."  Shaira stepped away from Dexton fearing that she will pass her cold to him. Before she could run towards the door. 

"Stop Right there and sit on the couch."

Shaira halted and looked back at Dexton who stood from the chair and open a cabinet of his almirah. "I am tired and cold. Can I go back now, please?" Shaira said sneezing again with a runny nose.

"You can go but sit there first." Dexton said. Shaira sighed and sat on the couch cross-legged not caring that it was not ladylike - the image she sought. Dexton put a warm blanket on her from behind and sat on the other couch with a medicine box. Dexton took the thermometer pointing to Shaira's mouth.

"I will check it in my room." The sentence alone got a look of disapproval from Dexton. Shaira was convinced that if Daniel and Diaz were her angel brothers then Dexton would surely be her Devil brother. He could make her say yes to anything with one sharp look. Shaira rolled her eyes and took the thermometer.

"Two hot chocolates in my office, in five minutes." Dexton said at the intercom. Shaira's eyes widen. Shaira always loved a cup of hot chocolate whenever she got sick because it was so comforting, but the question was how Dexton knew about it.

Shaira's thermometer showed that she did have a fever, but it was not that high. "She could work with that." Shaira thought.

Before they know it, a maid came and put two mugs of hot chocolate on the table and excused herself. Dexton gave Shaira her mug and took one mug himself. Shaira took a long sigh as she took her first sip making Dexton smile. 

It would not be wrong to say that Dexton loved Shaira. The very first memory of him as a 13-year-old boy was to carry a baby girl was still in a very far corner of his mind. But over time, he forgot how to make a balance between his brothers and her. Unfortunately, He needed to choose between his brothers and his sister, but he knew no matter what choices he made it will hurt him at last. Dexton was young and Shaira got distant. He became so busy with his company and raising his brothers that he never noticed the gravity of his brothers' words before it got too late. Amidst all of this, Shaira grew up. 

Drowning In The Dark (Broken Heirs #1)Where stories live. Discover now