My Fight for your love

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Ezra moved back and forth in his room. He was that one guy who chose his career path by himself. He was a casanova once upon a time stealing every woman heart. Women fall in love with him because of his royal chivalry. He was loved by many which made him forget the love bonds with other important people.

He flipped the pages of the contract that Shaira gave them.

Clause 1: Party A (Shaira) doesn't want any contact with Party b( Vanedestine). All the decision about her future would solely hers without any intervention of the Party(B)

Clause 2: Party A doesn't need any financial support and family assets from Party B

Clause 3: Incase if any breach in contract. Party A could secure its position with a judicial case.The same goes for Party B

Clause 4: Party B also allowing Party A to have full freedom of her choices. Knowing full well she had not being turned to adult yet ultimately giving up theri guardian rights on her.

Ezra eyes closed as to swallow a lump of emotions. He never liked her before but he gave her a chance after his eldest brother's order. The first time he saw her in kitchen looking frightened of each and every thing. He knew he could never hate her again.

When she sat beside him not even saying a thing knowing well enough that he had never done a single good deed to her in his whole life. Ezra knew that her sister was a gem of a girl. A kind girl with a broken heart.

His jaw clenched as he stopped in the middle of the room. He knew if he loved her true. He needed to mend ways and give her whatever she wanted. Even if it hurts him too.

He would stand behind her even this is the war against her brothers.

He walked out of his room and walked up straight to his eldest brother office.

If this is what Shaira wants, I will give it to her.


Dexton eyes furrowed as he saw Ezra briskly walking to desk. Shaira had been working in the company for about a week now. He could not help but chuckle all the time when she scrunched her nose when he ask one more coffee to the office.

She would simply shrug and gave her a green tea instead. Telling it's more healthy. He had also noticed her immense interest in the diffrent business ideas. How she would stand behind the corner reading some recent buisness project report files and getting their drawbacks.

She would be one heck of a business woman.

His happy bubble burst as Ezra put the papers with the thump.

"Get them signed. Now."

Dexton eyes widen as he saw the custody annulment papers.

"Where did you get these?" Dexton said. His eyes were a octave chiller.

"It doesn't matter. Only you have access to our father. Tell me where he is and I will personally go there to get them signed."

Ezra said his voice matching his brother.

"Watch your tone, Ezra." Dexton said as his eyes swirl with anger.

"I hate to break it to you but weren't you the one who cornered her the most. You have no right to come here for her rights when I am doing everything to make it right in someway."

Dexton as his jaw ticked.

"But is this working? I apologize. I am sorry for treating her that way but now if she want to leave. If that what she wants to be happy. I will fight for her."

"You will fight for her? From me." Dexton chuckled mockingly.

"You were the one who hurt her most. I am sure the last person she wants to be standing by her is you. Ezra."

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