The Youngest Pair

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The simple quote said- Life is a journey. A path full of ups and downs. A path which we had to follow. Somedays would be hard but some days would be good too but the thing which helps us to get through it is our hope. Our passion. Our loved ones.

Shaira had never dreamed that one day she would be playing in front of her family. She wouldn't be afraid of them.  They would hug her and give her kisses of appreciation. They would seemingly love her. She would be loved too but now as it is happening, she doesn't know how she would be able to be on her original plan.

Plan to go on her way. Her life was happy, but she needed to get out of here. The hurt she had been through would never be gone and Mr. Aestus is coming home early too. His visit was a surprise. It was a shock to Shaira when he asked Dexton to let her talk to him.

His voice was trembling as he asked him if she was okay If everything was okay. She was confused but she didn't say anything.  She assured him she was okay.

But now if he was coming home, she had the chance to get her paper signature. She didn't know why but she still wanted her freedom.

Her freedom which she had yearned for so many years.

She sighed as she put down her file. She had to be strong. She needed to do this. Although her heart was in turmoil, but her mind was focused.  She combed her hairs with fingers as she went downstairs. Alkov was finally discharged from the hospital, two days before. Everyone was happy. Although he still needed wheelchair, but doctor assured them that he would be up and about with physiotherapy.

Shaira loved nothing but a full plate of pasta made by her own hands. As today was one of the rarest days, she was all alone at home so why not gave herself a good therapeutic routine. She quickly put on current stock exchange news on tv as she put on her apron. Her routine was just the same as last time. Make some pasta and went some through current business gossips.

She politely told reassured the chef and the staff that she would cook herself as she finally managed to get them out of the kitchen. Shaira could not help but smile at their concerns. If only they knew. Her eyes furrowed as she looked at two different pastas? 

Should she cook spaghetti or penne?

"I like penne more."

"Me too."

Shaira smiled as she looked at the person peeking from behind her shoulder. A small shriek left her as she startled the other person too. The said person falls on his butt. Her hand went to her heart.

"What do you think you are doing, Maximus!?"

"I should ask you the same."

"You should at least make sound when you come to kitchen?"

Shiara said as she gave a hand to Maximus as she tried to pull him up. Maximus hide his smile as he gave her his hand the instant, she would not be able to help him up. Shaira arched   her eyebrows as she looked at him. He was not even trying to get up.

"What? At least try to lift me up, champ."

Shiara sighed as she rolled her eyes. Her eyes widen as she did not able to lift him up. Her nonchalant effort became desperate as she caught his hand with both of hers and try to lift him up.

She became breathless as she finally made him move from his seat. Just an inch.

"You are a giant."

"I am not, you need exercise."

"I don't need exercise. I just moved at least 200 pounds giant with my bare hands."

Maximus rolled his eyes as he stood up. The one, Shaira was most afraid of in her house was always him. Maximus was a gym owner, and his build was strong and muscled and towering over her. Shiara face turned pale as she looked at him again. When he was settled down, he was somewhat less dominating then now on full height. She was sure he was harmless, at least now but a fear was always there. Like one wrong move and maybe she would be crouching on the floor, in pain.

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