Office and a cup of coffee

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Life has always been a broad concept for Shaira. Although she never had many brighter moments in life but the zest of it let her go through another day. Her days were full of new experience. Finding her own way at a very young age had made her more independent in so many ways.
Shaira could not help but look at her persona in the window of her bus.

She was off the school and from today onwards she had to report directly at Vanedestine Corporation for her partime work.

This was the first time Shaira would be showcasing her skills in this big of a company. She felt a shiver ran down through her spine.

The days had never been colder. Shaira was well aware of the fact that in no time her birthday would come too. When she would finally turn eighteen.

Shaira rubbed her hands as she left the bus and started brisk walking to the company. Sebestian had graciously offered her a ride here but she quickly refute it. After his confession, Shaira was more confused than ever.

The love concept was always traumatic for her so she could not find a single reason why person like Seb who was everyone's dream liked her?

She needed alone time to work with all of that. Her footsteps halted as she saw the magnificent building ahead. Shaira swiftly moved inside the building.

She immediately saw Paul in the reception area. He smiled as soon as there eyes met.

"Miss Shaira. I was just waiting for you. Mr. Dexton had asked me to personally escort you to the cafe."

Shaira could not help but roll her eyes. She wasn't dumb to understand why cute and small cafe like Sunflower had gotten this chance. This was some new scheme of Mr. Dexton to make her stay here but one thing he doesn't knew that Shaira was more stubborn than him. If she had decided to do something she would not leave that work in between. She would pull it off to the very last and this is about her freedom. The most important thing she wanted right now.

She still gave a small smile to Paul who definately looked more jittery than his usual self. Her eyebrow furrowed.

"Did Dexton scold you or something?" Shaira said her voice low yet concerned. Paul was his friend first. He was the very first customer at cafe who opened up to her. Who genuinely smiled at her.

Paul looked at Shaira with his one eyebrow raised.

"No, he didn't Miss Shaira. You are asking me like you are older than me and you would go and reprimand him. " Paul said. His face turned into smirk.

"If you want me to take a stand for you then I will ofcourse. Second, you are calling me Miss Shaira again. I sound like a thirty year old lady." Shaira said her eyebrows scrunched and hands folded in front.

"You are my boss's sister, Miss Shaira. How could I call you by name and secondly if you want me safe, I want you to never talk about me infront of boss yet alone taking my side." Paul said as he elegantly walked beside her.

Shaira eyes furrowed. Was he bullied because of her?

Shaira footsteps halted.

"Call me Shaira first like you always do. This whole 'Miss Shaira' thing make me feel weird. For me, you were my friend first. If Dexton said anything to you because of me, I will make sure he regret it."

Whom she was kidding? Shaira knew she would not be able to do anything but at least if Paul feel cornered. She knew she would be going against Dexton for sure. No one knew better than her how it feel cornered from all the sides.

She would stand up for anyone for that and now it was her friend she was talking about.

"No one could bully me. Don't worry about me, Shaira." Paul sighed as he saw Shaira worried face. He ruffled her hair to make her come out of her thoughts.

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