If You all are here.

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Shaira stood there- right in front of the Vanedestine estate. Her eyes were red and still the tears didn't stop here.

She wiped her eyes as she saw Daniel's car pulling up. Daniel jumped right out of it as he ran up to Shaira.

Shaira hated to be weak but as one finger touch Shaira cheek and the tears found their own way.

Daniel eyes turned teary as she handed him her papers. As Daniel turned the papers and saw Mr. Aestus signature. He took Shaira in her arms.

He had never seen his bestfriend so our of herself. She was crying.

It took everything in him to not cry. He hugged Shaira more tightly.

"We need to go home, Shacks."

Shaira got out of the hug and saw the Vanedestine estate behind. There was no home for her now. She couldn't say this to Daniel. He would be heartbroken. She need to build a home for herself and do everything to make herself what she imagined to be.

Shaira swiftly rubbed her eyes as she came into her senses.

Shaira conjuctured a small smile as she looked Daniel.

If she had a taken this decision. She might as well prove herself to her.


Shaira reached the podium. Her eyes were all of the audience. She had never taught that she would be given the title of valedictorian.

She smiled cheekily to her salutatorian a.k.a Sebestian. After getting signature from Mr. Aestus. Shaira had not seen any of his brothers. It was too hurtful for her to see them. She had been shifted to Lawrence estate for sometime after that and now she was fully ready to start her first year at Havard University as a business and management student. Aunt and Uncle Lawrence were ecstatic when she broke the news to them.

She could always see Vanedestine here and there. she could always see one of their cars near her cafe but she never saw them in person.

Shaira smiled as she looked at the crowd.

"Good Evening everyone. Thank you to the board of governor, our prestigious school which always pushes us to our best. Thank you to our family for always having our back and  for supporting us.

Today I stand before you as valedictorian for the batch 2023. I could not even remember how the past one year went but I realized one thing- we need to be strong. No matter what. It took only a single step of courage to change the course of everything that's happening around you. I was never a confident one but I decided to change that. I declined to believe I deserved any less. As this is only beginning of our future.

I want all of you to remember. There would times when you feel utterly lonely.  Times when you question everything you have ever done but you have to be strong and humble. You and your loved ones will always find a way to get out of any tough situation. Always stay true to yourself. Feelings for people can't be changed but we can very well tame them.

When this year started I wanted nothing but a single thing but today I stand here in front of you with a lot of things. Most important of all of them is my happiness.

I congratulate all of you for passing your highschool. I wish everybody present here to achieve everything they always wanted to. Have a great life. If the tides remain our side, let's meet again.

Thankyou everyone."

Shaira eyes turned teary as she looked at her salutatorian then her friends. Her brothers stood up as she stood at her place. Her robe and hat looked so classy on her.

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