A Mistake

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Shaira was in her room. The conversation with Mr. Aestus was still in her mind but she had managed to put it on hold for some time. Her hands shivered as she tied up her laces. She was early as usual. She took her bag and close the door of the room. While walking downstairs. Her phone rang. It was Aunt Vanessa. Shaira's eyes furrowed. Why would Aunt Vanessa call her at 6:00 Am in the morning? She quickly picked up the call passing the hallway to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Aunt," Shaira said excitedly. Doesn't matter why would she call her but now she knew her whole day will go fabulous.

"Good morning, Love" Aunt Vanessa said softly. Shaira could not help but feel nostalgic. She realized how much she had missed her.

"Are you ready for school?" Aunt Vanessa asked after a moment of silence.

"Yes. Just going to make some lunch." Shaira answered entering the kitchen. She was shocked to notice three maids making some food. Shaira could see new faces, so she knew that the staff had actually been changed. Her task was to make her something as fast as she could so she could go out of there.

"STOP!" Aunt Vanessa said from the phone making Shaira halt in her steps.

"What happened?" Shiara asked putting her hand on her heart. The sound was really loud.

"Come home. I am cooking for Lawrence as he has some early meeting. We will have breakfast together and I am packing your lunch!" Aunt Vanessa said.

"Aunt, It's 6:10 in morning. you don't need to have breakfast this early just because of me." Shaira said.

"Ah Silly child, I will just sit here with you and your uncle will definitely have breakfast with you. I need you to come here right now." Aunt Vanessa said sternly. Shiara could have imagined her standing in the kitchen with one hand on the phone and the other with a spatula in the air.

"But Aunt Vanessa!" Shiara whined. She did not care that half of the staff was looking at her right now. The youngest Vanidestine aka Shaira was so busy talking to her aunt that she did not even realize that her brother was watching her with wide eyes too.

On the other hand. Alkov was shocked. It was the first time he had seen Shaira acting like her age. Her attire was perfect. Neat shoes and everything perfect on the uniform. Her president batch shining proudly on her coat. If she would not have been in school dress. Alkov would have guess she was going to office. She was noble student after all and Alkov very well knew that. Like Shiara most of her brothers were early risers too. Alkov had to finish his work till afternoon as he needed to take Shaira to hospital today. He did not understand why he was ordered to go with her every time but who had the power-except certain someone- to actually question Dexton orders.

"I don't need excuses. I am even doubting if you are eating properly these days as I was not here to nag you for that. I am worried Shaira." Aunt Vanessa said. Her voice laced with melancholy.

"Ok then, I would be here in 10 minutes just wait for me." Shaira said. She did not want her aunt to get worried about her. In a hurry to go there Shaira walked past Alkov not even noticing him.

Alkov jaw dropped as he turned backwards to see Shaira going in hurry. He walked through the closest mirror. Checking out his tuxedo. He took a double look at himself. His eyes furrowed. He was looking handsome.

"Am I invisible to her?" He mumbled still looking at the gate which Shiara walk past.


"Hey Shaira" Diaz said as he came in the dining hall at Lawrence estate. With messy hair and 'just woke up' look. He was still looking handsome.

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