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Word from Rhea and Aemond's wedding had reached Rhaenyra through the new princess's cousin Orys, whose spies had remained in King's Landing, ensuring his cousin was safe before ordering them to leave for the safety of Craw Isle, far away from the capital. Orys Celtigar pondered for a long time whether he should try and get his lady cousin out of there, but decided against it. Him and his kin had been welcomed on Dragonstone by Rhaenyra herself, the new Queen exhausted after the terrible days she had gone through but thankful for their loyalty. She listened as the man told her of his cousin's decision, of her speech to Aegon, of her sacrifice. He also mentioned how, in a short span, her protector was killed and an attempt was made on her life, the Queen and him strongly agreeing that someone loyal to the Greens was behind it, if not one of them. But Rhaenyra stated that, since Rhea had chosen to stay in King's Landing, no one would come to her rescue. She had made her bed, now she had to lay in it.

They had been husband and wife for a week now, Rhea had moved from the chambers she had lived in all her life to her husband's, at the other end of the corridor. They had enjoyed the life of newlyweds as much as they could, barely leaving their quarters and their bed at all. Making sure his new bride knew how happy he was that she was his, Aemond remained latched on to her, enjoying every bit of her, and she did the same. After a week of what they would always remember as pure, unaltered bliss, reality set in as Aemond was summoned by his brother. He was to fly to Storm's End and ensure Lord Borros Baratheon's loyalty, whatever the cost. His father had bent the knee to Rhaenyra when she was named their father's heir and the King needed to know where the man now stood. As sorry as he was to leave his wife's side, Aemond was still the King's brother and had to answer to him when called to. He promised he would be back in no time, as Storm's End was only a short flight away and Vhagar would be quick about it, promising to be back before the storm broke. Besides, if anything, Lord Borros would be glad of the visit, especially from a Prince of the realm, and he would let him stay should the need arise.

Aegon had been urged by his mother to send someone with Aemond, as she was sure Rhaenyra would send one of her most trusted people there as well, but him and his brother refused, claiming Aemond was worth ten times anyone their sister could send.

Alone for the first time in a week, Rhea was having a bath and tried to find some much needed relaxation, she had her eyes closed and the warm water worked almost as a lullaby as she drifted off to sleep. So far, she really enjoyed married life, she thought to herself, as it did not stray far from the life she had known before. The only difference was that, now, people addressed her a "princess", and she had to admit it was a change she gladly consented to.

But, as much as she had liked the bubble she had been living in the past week, it was time for her to reacquaint herself with the world and its reality. Slipping on one of her black dresses and chose not to put on King Visery's chainmail on top of it, but secured her husband's dagger at her hip, she left her chambers and walked towards Helaena's.

She was greeted joyfully by her friend and her children as she bent down to kiss them, stroking their silver-haired head lovingly. The Queen and her friend chatted for hours about many things, often laughing and enjoying lemon cakes as the afternoon went on, forgetting the war that was brewing. It was a welcome change of pace from the past month, they both agreed on it and, soon enough, Rhea bid goodnight to her friend and nephews as she regained her own quarters. She couldn't help but feel like her life had been reduced considerably, her usual activities, what she would spend her time doing before now strictly forbidden and she had to find a new pace, new things to fill her hours. She made it a point to ask Aegon to entrust her with a few things around the Red Keep, as she was positive she would loose her mind should she stay without occupation another month. As she turned a corner, past the maesters' keep, Rhea spotted the Hand walking in her direction, a smile on his face as he bowed his head to her.

"Princess," he said reverently.

"My Lord Hand," she answered.

"His Grace the King, my grandson, has asked to see you, I was coming to fetch you," he informed her as he gestured for her to follow him into his grandson's quarters.

"I have just left Helaena and she mentioned no such things," Rhea said, her brow arching.

"When have you last seen Aegon and her together if not for a public outing?" The man pointed out and Rhea nodded knowingly.

It pained her to think of her friend in an unhappy marriage, but she knew her children were her true pride and joy.

"Well, good night, princess," the man concluded and left after walking her to Aegon's chambers.

Rhea knocked lightly on the heavy doors and pushed them open. Aegon was not inside and Rhea called out his name several times to no avail.

Deciding she would not waste any more of her time, she turned to leave but, as she turned on her heels, she felt a sharp stabbing pain in her lower belly, a loud pained gasp escaping her lips as she clasped her hands on the fresh wound.

Before she could turn to see who had stabbed her, they placed a wet cloth on her mouth and nose, something with a strong, head-turning smell and she felt the world fade away as another sharp pain resonated in her back. She collapsed to the ground, bleeding out as the man who stabbed her ran away swiftly, without a soul noticing.

"Rhea, please, wake up", Aegon tried shaking his sister awake yet again as the maesters tended to her wounds.

He was coming back from a visit to Silk Street late this evening when he found her, laying unconscious on his floor in the middle of a pool of blood, her hair no long silver as it had dipped in it for god knows how long. He called for help as he knelt by her side, cradling her lifeless body, shaking her so she would open her eyes.

"Is she dead?" Aegon questioned the maesters with red eyes, worry riddling his brain.

He could not think straight, his only thought being the woman he had known since he was a child lying there and how sad he would be if she died.

"No, it seems the princess has not been lying unconscious for too long, but she is weak," one of the maesters stated. "We will have to carry her to her chambers, it will be easier to treat her there."

"Do it," their King commanded. "I will have two men at her door at all times, until I find the person responsible for this and have them burnt alive by dragon fire."

Aegon and the maesters lifted her carefully, drops of blood still falling on the ground as they hurried towards her chambers. Her hands were cold and nearing the colour blue as she took short rugged breaths.

"Do not, under any circumstances, tell my brother about this," Aegon ordered everyone in the room. "Rhea will be fine, no need to worry him as he conducts important business."

What Aegon truly meant was that he did not wish for his brother to know he had failed to protect his wife, he did not want his brother to act impulsively out of anger and ruin his chances a securing Lord Borros' support. Still, Aegon prayed to all the gods the woman would indeed be fine and live to see another day. Should she die, his brother would never forgive him and neither would he.

Rhea's handmaiden Marian rushed by her lady's side, grasping at her cold hands in an attempt to warm them, kneeling by her bed as she then began cleaning the poorly woman's blood off of her skin and hair.

"She has lost a lot of blood, it appears, your Grace," Maester Pyggs stated sadly.

"Will she make it through the night?" Aegon asked, his fist balled against his lips in anxiety, biting the skin from his fingers nervously as his red eyes fluttered, trying not to cry.

The whole room fell silent, awaiting for the man to give his diagnosis. Marian was now praying, her hands red from her lady's blood, some even spreading on her cheeks and forehead as she wiped her sweat away.

"I doubt it, your Grace," Maester Pyggs enunciated gloomily.

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