Kakashi's Place

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Kakashi dropped the Cloud ninja off at the interrogation center before heading to the apartment. The entire ordeal had taken less than an hour but felt like a day, and he was eager to get back to Chiisai.

Smoke curled against the night sky, but much of it had faded to ribbons. Kakashi's eye scanned the streets as he landed on the nearest rooftop. The place was surrounded by chunin, and people huddled in small crowds. Most of them were in their pajamas, and there were several medic ninja among them. No one should be hurt, unless they had tripped and fallen on their way down the stairs.

His ninken stood out among the crowd, surrounding two figures- Chiisai, under the care of Sakura. He furrowed his brows. Chiisai was unconcious, and his heart sank.

He landed next to them, stirring dust, and Pakkun perked his head up. Around them, villagers murmured, and people pulled blankets around them, shivering in the chilly air. Ninja directed traffic and guarded the entrance, where a crowd had congregated.

"Sorry I'm late," Kakashi said. His tone hid his anxiety, and he peeked his head over Sakura and asked, "How is she?"

Sakura gaze shot to his, and she pulled her glowing hand away from Chiisai.  "Kakashi-sensei, where have you-" Her eyes widened as she said, "You're covered in burns!"

He glanced down at his hands. They were blistered and bleeding, and though he registered the injuries, the pain was only a dull thrum under his skin.

Pakkun said, "She woke up after you left, but had a seizure around five minutes ago. I'll tell you the rest later."

Kakashi nodded in understanding. There were too many ears to make a report in public. Relief washed over him at the news of Chiisai though. She had come back, atleast for awhile. He figured she'd stay in the dream world the rest of the night, away from the possibility of any more seizures.

Sakura gently laid Chiisai down. "She had some lung irritation from all the smoke. Here, give me your hands."

Kakashi sighed but complied. Her hands glowed as she pressed them to his skin. Soon, cool relief flooded him, and his wounds gradually healed.

"Thanks," he said.

"What happened?" She asked, looking up at him. Her voice dropped as she added, "People are saying you stopped the fire, and were seen fighting ninja. Is something going on?"

"Just a minor scuffle," he smiled. "Nothing to worry about."

She pulled away, and his hands looked good as new. Sakura looked down at Chiisai and said, "It's about your girlfriend, isn't it. I've felt her chakra, Kakashi-sensei. It's strange. And her seizures...there's something wrong with her mind. I felt it, even through Lady Tsunade's jutsu."

He was surprised she could sense the dam inside Chiisai's mind. She must be learning quickly under Lady Tsunade's tutelage, but he'd expect nothing less of her. Though her power levels compared little to that of Naruto or Sasuke, her chakra control well exceeded theirs- an ability fit for a medic ninja.

Kakashi bent down and scooped Chiisai up. Her cheeks were smudged with soot, and her mouth parted. "She's been through more than most, for a civilian," he admitted. "Thank you for looking after her."

She crossed her arms and said, "Don't thank me, thank Pakkun. He wouldn't let anyone other than me look at her. You're pretty protective of her, you know."

Kakashi gave a grateful look to Pakkun.

"You!" A gravelly voice yelled.

The Dream Breather (Kakashi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now