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Author's Note: Hello, this is book two of a trilogy/possible quartet. Please go to The Dream Devourer for book one. Eventually, there will be pictures for each chapter, but alas, that is going to be awhile. This book is also labeled mature due to certain levels of violence, intimacy, though it's rare in this story. Honestly, I've read plenty of teen books with more adult themes than this, but I want to be on the safe side. :)

Also, the link above is the music I listen to while writing.

Also, the link above is the music I listen to while writing

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Chiisai slowly took a step out into the sunlight. A sweet Konoha breeze tugged at her loose clothing, and she stopped, soaking it in.

For a brief moment, there were no thoughts of her mission, the dream world, people's nightmares, or the potential catastrophe that was developing between her and the man standing beside her.

"Well," Kakashi said, "that was a quick meeting."

"Too quick," Chiisai replied. She stretched her arms up towards the sky and added, "Lady Tsunade's anxious about all of this." Her eyes scanned the area. Ninja and villagers alike were out, and everyone was busy heading towards their destination.

The world was full of sounds and colors and textures, and it was entirely unlike the bunker she had spent two months in. She was still getting used to all of the noise- wooden carts rolling on dirt paths, creaking under the weight of fruit. Children's laughter, shouts from nearby shops, the whispering chimes that danced every time the wind stirred. And the birds- how had she forgotten they made so much noise? The same could be said for the rustling of leaves.

"And you're not?" He asked lightly, pulling out Icha Icha.

"I'm anxious to see what you've done to my apartment," she replied, tearing her gaze away. She touched her toes and added, "I only have one bedroom, and we're going to be sharing the space."

The muscles in the back of her legs tightened, and she took a deep breath, feeling the middle of her back expand. The pressure on her spine finally snapped, and she sighed with relief when her back popped twice.

Kakashi ruffled her hair as she straightened. Chiisai huffed as he said, "You worry too much."

"And you pretend too much," she replied. Her eyes narrowed, and she pointed forward, saying, "Remember our practice run? I had a seizure right in the middle of the main road."

It had been humiliating, to wake up not remembering the last few minutes. She had to hand it to Kakashi though, keeping his composure while she struggled to remember who he was. But she had seen the worry in his eye, the flash of panic he hid so well.

"Luckily, your medical aide was there," he smiled. "And now we have more information."

"That pain wakes me up? It's not reassuring." She started walking down the road, and Kakashi followed with slow steps. Their gaits were entirely different, but Chiisai realized that Kakashi had never complained.

The Dream Breather (Kakashi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now