"I can't believe it's you"

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It's been a year since your death and Eddie never took it well. Not once had a smile been on his face and no matter how the rest tried to make him smile, it never worked. Eddie missed his sweetheart.

"Hey Ed?" The voice of Dustin Henderson called through Eddie's trailer.

"What?" He groaned and rubbed his eyes.

Dustin entered Eddie's room and saw his friend laying on the bed, holding your chain in his fist.

"Hey man, how you holding up?" Dustin asked and walked towards Eddie, sitting beside him.

"What's it fucking look like Henderson?" Eddie snapped.

"Okay okay I'm sorry" Dustin replied and threw his hands in surrender. "We're going to the Bon Jovi concert tonight, why don't you come with? Steve managed to get you a ticket too" he suggested.

"Y/N loved Bon Jovi, she even taught me how to play one of their songs on the guitar" Eddie smiled softly.

"Eddie look, I know you miss Y/N, we do too but you can't mourn over her death for almost a whole goddamn year. She's gone and you have to get over it" Dustin replied.

Eddie sat up and looked at Dustin, with pissed but sad eyes. His nostrils flared and he pushed his nails into his palms.

"Get out Henderson, just go" Eddie whispered.

"Eddie look-" Dustin explained.

"Just get the fuck out!" Eddie snapped and laid back down, turning to face the wall.

Dustin sighed and got up from the bed, walking out. He took one glance at Eddie and walked out his room and his trailer.

Eddie began tearing up more as he held your chain tighter.

"I miss you so much, darling" he whimpered and his eyes slowly closed as he dozed off to Dreamland.


"You are such a douchebag, you know that?" Y/N chuckled, holding the neck of her guitar.

"Well excuse me I don't listen to fucking glam rock" Eddie sassed and picked up his guitar.

"Excuse you? For your information Munson, glam rock is the best! I mean Bon Jovi, Whitesnake?" Y/N laughed.

"Metals still the best, sweets" Eddie winked and plugged in his guitar.

"Speaking of metal, play me some Metallica" Y/N smirked, setting her guitar down.

"But of course, only if you play me some Bon Jovi shit" Eddie grinned.

"Whatever Munson" Y/N giggled.

Eddie laughed and began playing the intro of Ride The Lightning by Metallica.

Y/N started head bobbing to the music and sang along with Eddie. Once he finished played Y/N walked towards her boyfriend and pulled him close by his Hellfire Club shirt and kissed him softly on his lips.

"Fucking hell, darling" Eddie moaned.

Y/N laughed and punched his shoulder.

"Goddamn for a girl you hit like a man" Eddie groaned.

"Oh you want some more?" Y/N teased.

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