"Sweetheart no no, stay with me please"

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Dustin climbed back up to the normal world and Eddie followed. You were going after Eddie so he could help you up, but you stopped when you heard a bang and glass breaking on the door and windows of Eddie's trailer.

"Oh fuck" you whispered.

"C'mon Y/N, you got it!" Eddie yelled.

"Hurry up sis, come on!" Your younger brother cried.

You looked back up at the boy you loved and your younger brother then dropped down.

"What? No Y/N what're you doing?!" Dustin cried.

"Y/N no!" Eddie yelled.

You grabbed the axe you found in the trailer and cut the sheet off then tumbled the mattress against the wall.

"Y/N! Stop, stop!" Eddie yelled.

"Y/N please!" Dustin cried.

You picked up your gun as well as the axe then looked back up.

"Y/N what're you doing?! Get back up here, please!" Eddie shouted, now tears were in his eyes.

"Buying more time" you exhaled then smiled before running out the trailer and grabbing a bike, catching the demobats attention. "Come get me you sons of bitches!" You yelled and the creatures flew after you.

"Shit! Fuck!" Eddie screamed and kicked mattress.

"I'm going up there to get her!" Dustin spoke then grabbed a chair but Eddie stopped him.

"Woah woah! The hell you're not!" Eddie said.

"Eddie, she's my sister!" Dustin declared.

"She's also the girl I love, Henderson and the last thing I need is putting her brother in danger! So you fucking stay right here til the rest come back!" Eddie spoke.

Dustin looked down and sniffed, Eddie clasped his shoulders and Dustin looked back up.

"I know you love Y/N, she's your big sister. I love her too, more than anything and I've never had the courage to tell her. Please stay here Henderson, for your safety and I'm pretty sure Y/N would be relieved if she doesn't see you" Eddie explained.

"Okay" Dustin whispered.

"That's my boy" Eddie smiled then dragged the chair to the gate
before jumping on it and landing on the side, he pulled himself up and landed on his back on the cold floor.

Eddie looked back up at Dustin and gave him a smile before grabbing the shield and spear he used.

"Make a new sheet for everyone to climb on, they won't be able to jump" he declared.

Dustin nodded and smiled slightly. Eddie smiled back before rushing out the trailer and called for you, he saw the demobats circling something towards the end of the trailer park and rushed towards it.

The demobats now had you tied down and started eating your flesh, making you scream in pain. Through the bats screeching you could hear Eddie screaming for you, blood gushed out your mouth and on your chest as well. The bats all collapsed and Eddie ran towards your body, placing your head in his lap.

"Y/N! No no no no" he spoke, softly shaking your head.

You gasped and looked at Eddie.

"That bad huh?" You chuckled.

"No no, it's okay we just gotta get you to a hospital or something okay? Maybe that girl you told me about, El? Yes she can help, okay?" Eddie replied then lifted you up.

"O-Okay" you stammered but as soon as Eddie sat you up you laid back down, gasping as more blood came out your mouth. "I-I just need a second okay?"

"Okay, yes of course" Eddie cried.

You could feel your heartbeat slowing down and looked up at Eddie, smiling softly through your bloody mouth.

"D-Did I ever tell you that you ha-have the most prettiest eyes?" You asked.

Eddie closed his eyes and whimpered as tears streamed down his face.

"Sweetheart please, no" he declared.

"You're g-going to have to look after my dumbass b-brother, okay?" You said.

"No, no you're gonna do that yourself. Sweetheart please don't" Eddie cried.

"Li-Listen, I always thought you ha-had eyes for Chri-Chrissy but I need to con-fess something. I lo-love you Ed, I always have" you spoke.

"I love you too, I always thought you wouldn't love a freak like me" Eddie scoffed and wiped away his tears but more formed in his eyes. This is not how he wanted to tell you he loved you.

"Bull-Bullshit, I've always loved you" you admitted.

Eddie bent down and softly kisses your lips, still crying and pulled away.

"Please don't go, sweetheart. Please stay with me please, I-I want to take you on a date. Remember how you always wanted to go to a Metallica concert for your first date? I can take you, just please stay with me, please" Eddie broke down.

"No, it's okay. I-I have to go, Eddie. I lo-love you, asshole" you spoke and that's when your heartbeat stopped, your eyes open and lifeless.

Eddie screamed and held your body tightly.

"Y/N? Sweetheart please no, c'mon please stay with me" Eddie cried.

You wouldn't budge. Eddie placed a soft kiss on your forehead and buried his face in your chest.

"I love you too, sweetheart. More than you'll ever know" he whispered.

That was when Eddie Munson's whole world fell to the ground.

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