"You're okay, you're okay princess"

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You, Steve, Eddie, Dustin, Lucas and Max decided to take a drive to go visit yours and Max's brother's grave. You did miss Billy after everything he put you and Max through, mostly Max seeing she was yours and Billy's stepsister but you treated her more like a sister.

You didn't want to go with Max to the tombstone so you just waited in the car with the rest until she was done. Reason being was because you would breakdown and you didn't want to ruin Max's only alone time with Billy.

Once Max got back you smiled and hugged her before walking up the hill to Billy's tombstone. You sat down in front of it and sighed.

"Hey big brother, I miss you" you spoke. "Uhm I don't know if you can hear or not but I'm dating Eddie Munson, yes Eddie 'the freak' Munson, I love him, more than anything. But I knew if you were here you would go shit-crazy but you would've been happy for me that I found someone. I really miss you Bills. Max hasn't been the same since you've left, she's become quiet and won't tell me what she's going through. Our dad left since you died, I guess he wasn't able to face the fact that you were gone. Mom left too, she never told us why. It's just me and Max now, we live in the trailer park where Eddie lives and he'd sometimes come over or I'd go over. I hope you know that Max and I really do miss you, and we love you"

Suddenly the clouds became grey and darker.

"Y/N" a deep voice spoke.

You furrowed your eyebrows and stood up then turned around. You saw a figure walking out of the fog and towards you, it was Billy, you gulped. He slowly walked towards you. Once Billy made it to you, he wiped away your tears. He was wearing the same outfit when he died, the white tank top, blue jeans with boots and blood all of his shirt from being stabbed by the Mind Flayer.

"Don't cry, what're you crying for?" He asked.

You whimpered and closed your eyes.

"You didn't do anything to help me, you just left me there to die. Didn't you think of helping?" Billy asked.

"I'm sorry" you whispered.

"You killed me, Y/N" Billy whispered.

"No, no Billy that's not true" you gulped.

"Yes, yes it is" Billy replied slowly walking in front of you.

You walked backwards and tripped over a tombstone, taking you to a place where it was blood red.

"That's it I'm going" Eddie replied jumping out the car and running up the hill.

"Eddie wait!" Lucas called.

Once he made it you, Eddie knelt down beside you.

"Y/N? Princess? We have to go now" He said but you didn't budge.

Eddie noticed your eyes were rolled at the back of your head and that's when Eddie began shaking you.

"Y/N? Y/N! Y/N hey! Come on sweetheart wake up! Baby wake up, please! Shit!" Eddie yelled. "Guys! It's happening again!" Eddie turned his head towards the car and called out.

That's when Steve and the rest jumped out and ran to you and Eddie.

"You are all mine now, Y/N. All mine" Vecna growled and raised his gigantic hand over your face.

You gasped as the vines gripped you tighter, especially the one choking you around your neck.

"You're-You're not even here" you choked.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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